Dear readers

Having just enjoyed a wonderful evening in London, United Kingdom, bringing in 
2013 what struck me most was when wishing a "Happy New Year" to 
everyone, this was going to be just that "A WISH".

Let me explain, only yesterday I was advised that "gutter" politics had been 
used in the form of "text" messages to patrons wishing to attend the function 
organised by Viva Goa Entertainments in Harrow (who partly fund the 
administrative support for handicapped children in Goa) informing them it had 
cancelled. This strategy could only be to steer patrons away so that they could 
buy tickets for another well established organisation which I can only describe 
as Helping Poor Children Stay Poor as, having been a community worker in the 
last 35 years, I have never seen any accountability publically for this fund 
event in the name of charity. Both organisers may wish to comment and share 
their views with us.

Usually one would target those indulging in such activities and expose them for 
the world to see but not on this occasion. Our entire community needs to take 
collective responsibility for such behaviour, those that indulge in such 
activities and equally all the rest of us who have and are still continuing to 
allow such 
behaviour to thrive unchecked, unaccountable and unchallenged not just in the 
United Kingdom but in other parts of our world. Will there ever be a day when 
our community comes out of the "gutter" into the light, when our faith can be 
honestly reflected in all the things we do?

In the Bible, Matthew (12:33) recorded what Christ said "You brood of vipers! 
how can you speak good, when you are evil?"

In addition to 2013 being the Year of Faith, perhaps it can also be a start of 
honesty and reflection in our thoughts, words and deeds to get us all out of 
gutter we continually find ourselves in.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

1 January 2013

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