augusto pinto wrote:
> When I saw Santosh's condolences re Rev Fr Ivo da Conceicao E Souza it

> struck me immediately that these two were perpetual antagonists on GN.
> Whether it was the subject of religion or the issue of medicine the two
> would forever be at each other like ... er ... well ... like husband and wife.
> I'm sure Santosh's interactions with Fr Ivo added many years to his life.
> I'm sure Fr Ivo is waiting somewhere for the day when he can resume his
> debates with Santosh.

Despite reading it more than once, I did not associate the obituary 
announcement of his long name, with Fr. Ivo. It is only after I read Santosh's 
condolences that I did. 

Fr. Ivo was passionate about his beliefs. He made the time and stood up for 
what he believed in. I respected him for this. I am sure that Fr. Ivo passed 
away a happy man as he did all he could to express his views whenever the 
opportunity arose.

Hopefully, everyone here will pass away with the same sense of satisfaction 
that Fr. Ivo did.

RIP Fr. Ivo, you found your calling and did a good job.


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