You have read the story I told you of looting after the annexation of Goa as 
related by the Portuguese information officer Leo Lawrence. Here is now the 
story as related by the Time Magazine issue of January 5, 1962 in an article 
entitled "India: Morning After":

Goa's virtually duty-free status sent swarms of Indian
soldiers into shops stocked with inexpensive foreign luxury items seldom seen
in India because of the government's stringent import restrictions. Shopkeepers
did a brisk business in transistor radios, cameras, electric appliances,
cosmetics, perfumes, wines. In one Pangim shop alone, Indian soldiers bought
1,400 Max Factor lipsticks. Truckloads of refrigerators were purchased by army
officers for shipment home.
...India: Morning After, Time Magazine, January 5, 1962



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