This is a novel idea and a very practical and worthwhile one which if adopted 
by all the villages and wards of Goa will ensure that we rid ourselves of these 
pesky immigrants and preserve our Goa for its original inhabitants, the Goans. 
This trend must be emulated by all the villages in unison and implements 
seriously without any wavering so that a clear message is sent that we Goans 
mean to preserve our Goa for our Goans, the original owners of this small but 
not insignificant, at least to us, piece of land and that we mean to preserve 
our way of life and culture.

May I urge all the elders of all the villages to immediately call meetings so 
that a united front is displayed leaving no elusion that we mean business. The 
Parrikars and the political classes will not do anything like this as they are 
too selfish and too greedy to institute any meaningful change which will affect 
their status both political and material. Therefore, We the people AADMI ADMI  
MUST take all the necessary steps to protest our own interests.
Time is of the essence and the sooner we unite the better.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

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