Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão wrote:
> In respect to the letter “Nine questions on Mopa” (Herald 7 February), 
> I wish the writer would do a little of lateral thinking.
>1) Why do Goans or Goa need a 6 lane highway from North to South? 
> Would that not destroy and displace many ancestral homes besides 
> covering the earth with acres and acres of tarmac?


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão,
21 years ago, I read an article in which the head of a Scandinavian aid agency 
in Tanzania was complaining bitterly about some villagers who had vandalized a 
drill rig. The agency was trying to develop an area by drilling wells for clean 
water and the agency got rewarded by villagers vandalizing the equipment. 

The newspaper reported that the villagers removed parts from the truck the 
drill rig was on. The truck/rig had drilled in two different spots but did not 
find water. The aid agency said that the rig was on a tight schedule and was 
going to move to the next village, when the incident occurred. 

The rest of the story got reported a week later.

The villagers claimed that they had waited 10 years for the truck to arrive. 
They felt that if the truck left without hitting water, they would have to wait 
another 10 years for the next drill to arrive. So they removed the steering 
wheel and kept it in a safe place. Then they informed the drill foreman that 
they would release the steering only after the rig hit water.

The chief/headman further said that without water, there would be no school or 
dispensary. The villagers were tired of trying to eek out a living by growing 
cassava on marginal land. They were tired of having to die of snake and insect 
bites. They were tired of their crops being eaten by wild animals. They were 
tired of being left out of progress. They wanted their children to have a 
better life. They wished for their children to work as clerks in an office. 
They knew that without infrastructure, they would remain without advancement. 

The six lane highway in Goa is the same story. The infrastructure will serve to 
introduce Goa to the 21st Century. Today, it takes two hours plus to drive from 
north to south Goa! It is also beyond sad to see people die because an 
ambulance takes 40 minutes to travel 20 miles on the current Goan roads. The 
lack of roads and transport makes life miserable in Goa. 

Mopa is another project that could bring Goa into the 21st Century. A transport 
hub usually provides endless economic opportunities. Any planer will tell you 
that without new infrastructure, it is extremely difficult to bring economic 
development into a region.  When the transport facilities are not improved, the 
economy remains stagnant or even dies. 

Lastly, when I go on vacation to the Caribbean, I pay extra to be on a resort 
that is at least an hour away from the nearest airport. I just do not want to 
be disturbed by the sound of aircraft landing, taking off or flying over when I 
am relaxing on a beach. The hotels in south Goa should be the ones lobbying the 
hardest for the Mopa airport in the north. 


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