Frederick FN Noronha wrote:
> Nightmare at Sea: Carnival Cruise Liner Nears Port


Since this cruise left from Galveston, Texas, there would be few if any Goans 
as passengers on board. Had the departure been from Florida or any port in the 
Caribbean, it would have been a different story. At this time of the year, you 
usually have groups of 40 or more Goans from Toronto going on Caribbean cruises 
every week.

As for Goans as crew members, I hope there were a lot of them. The crew has 
been getting rave reviews by the passengers. Almost every passenger has said 
the crew went beyond the call of duty.

I have been looking to short the Carnival Cruise Lines stock ever since the 
engine room fire. However, this particular ship is registered in the Bahamas 
and that adds another layer of complexity to the legalities.

What I find perplexing about the Carnival people though, is that the ship left 
from Texas but they decided to tow the crippled ship, one without electricity 
or indoor plumbing to Alabama i.e. the only US state with no electricity or 
indoor plumbing requirements. 

The latest news is that a bus with some ex-passengers who were being sent from 
Mobile to Galveston broke down. Some of those passengers were sent to the 
nearest airport to catch a flight. The flight they were booked on could not 
leave because of electrical problems on the plane.

If I was religious, I would be inspecting those particular ex-passengers scalps 
for 666.


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