I am refering to Dana Pintos post w.r.t. Fr. Mousinho Athaide's letter in the 
In todays (25th Feb) HERALD edition our father in the Vatican says that "God 
asked me (him) to retire". He also says that God told him to devote himself to 
There are some practical aspects that we RC's find confusing.
Fr. Mousinho says Pope Benedict should have decided according to the collective
conscience of the entire Church. Can all the church members worldwide decide 
this and how? Catholics' conscience varies from person to person..
Fr. Athaide says that the Pope is the father of the Church. How can he prove 
The Church also says that Mary the "mother of God" is also the Mother of the 
Often we wonder the prayerful if the repetition to "mother of god" is 
Scripturally correct as
how can an UNCREATED God have a created mother? The Holy Tritinity is ONE GOD.
Can the Trinity (God) has a "mother?"
We can safely say "mother of Jesus" God who incarnated. He was the eternal son, 
EXISTED ALWAYS. He will continue to be so eternally. He will also return not 
like a lamb but as a Lion. Can we play around with so many terms and confuse 

The latest news that God has asked the pope to retire, one wonders how God talks
to the Pope. Did He talk to the pope in a vision, in a dream or an angel 
appeared to the pope ? Or someone wispered from behind a curtain? 
To simple people like yours truly, my only authority is the written word of God 
which is the Bible the books of 
Torah and the Psalms besides the Epistles and the Gospels and of course the 
Last book called the REVELATION. I can draw factual historical affirmations and 
inferences. Like Jesus is a historical figure, in the Book of Ephesians Jesus 
Himself is the Head of the Church. The early church had no pope really. It had 
started in Jerusalem and spread to Judea, thence Samaria and to the ends of the 
world. The Apostle Peter was never commanded or ordained by Jesus as the Head 
of the church, many people wrench a Bible verse out of it's context to make a 
pretext and the gullible accept it with a slurp! When I eat a McDonalds 
sandwich I make sure in India there is no coachroach in it. We need to be 
Biblically literate and not taken for a jolly good ride. If that is so, there 
were two Popes. Pope Paul and Pope Peter. Both these individuals were commanded 
by our Lord Himself as Peter the Apotle to the Jews and Paul to the Gentiles 
like us Goemkars and non-goemkars. Ganttis and Dalits. All w
 ere and have the right to be "children of God". Salvation is extremely and 
individual affair.

Fr. Athaide discovers that the "structure of 
the Church, governed by esoteric theology, doctrine and dogma."
The Bible not only condemns occult practices but it is dangerous to dabble in 
something which we do not understand in the supernatural.
Hence we have the right to ask which "god" spoke to our Pope? 
For those who have been confused with various theologies of both Protestant, RC 
and a million of other "christian sects" simplicity is the next best policy and 
a reality.
Our Lord commended the "faith of a child" in his object lesson (See Mathew 
chapter 18:v1-3).
In the Book to the Hebrews it reads as: Hebrews chapter 1 verses:

1God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the 
fathers by the prophets,
2has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of 
all things, through whom also He made the worlds;
3who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and 
upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged 
our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

Do we need anything else besides the One who purged our sins and sat down at 
the right hand of the Majesty on high?

Yours truly,
Petra. (small stone) :)

Message: 5
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 16:44:33 +0530
From: "Edwin/Diana Pinto" <eddipi...@gmail.com>
To: <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fr. Mousinho Athaide's letter in the Herald
Message-ID: <3B09FD7C52E143B0A6B4C4894BD2C925@CCPC>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Fr. Mousinho Athaide makes two interesting comments in his letter ?Pope?s 
Resignation?. He feels that Pope Benedict should have decided according to 
the collective conscience of the entire Church rather than his own personal 
conscience. He also expresses the view that the Pope is the father of the 
Church rather than just an administrator. These views of course, are 
entirely in consonance with the highly rigid and patriarchal structure of 
the Church, governed by esoteric theology, doctrine and dogma. While it is 
true that a father remains a father always in our human families, we do not 
entrust upon aging and ailing fathers the responsibility and onus to lead,

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