This has reference to the article that it cites, not to the crap from Floriano 
below. The article by Brig. da Costa is at the following link:

I understand where the brigadier comes from, and I share his anguish, but not 
all of his explicit opinions and premises.

Specifically, there are only two implicit points on which I agree with Brig. da 

1. That in India most of us do not have any concern for how our selfish actions 
affect our fellow countrymen in all spheres of life.

2. That many of us are content with having an attitude of hopelessness and 
contempt towards our own country. In Goa, among some misguided folk and failed 
politicians, this translates into rejection of their allegiance to India . In 
my opinion, this attitude is also one of the root causes of the ills that 
afflict our country.

As far as the rest of the brigadier's rant is concerned, most of the 
assumptions in it are demonstrably false. Here are some of those erroneous 

Brig. da Costa wrote:
> When we look at other advanced countries like the USA, Russia, UK, or
> small emerging countries, like Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovakia or the
> Czech Republic, we find that they are fiercely united and their
> citizens are patriotic to the core. They are ready to fight for their
> country and will not tolerate anyone saying anything disparaging
> against their leaders or their country.

Not all of these countries are advanced. Russia is far more corrupt than India. 
Bosnia and Herzegovina are one and the same country. Disparagement of their 
leaders is extremely common in all of these countries. Indeed, it is a good and 
essential feature of a democracy. The fact that such disparagement was 
suppressed by the British and the Portuguese in our autocratic colonial past is 
precisely one of the main reasons that some misguided elements among us have a 
distorted rosy view of these periods in our history.

Brig. da Costa wrote:
> The opposition parties
> instead of joining hands with the government and trying to solve the
> problems are only beating the drum and blaming the government for
> every ill that takes place.

This is a feature of all vibrant democracies. Please see above.

Brig. da Costa wrote:
> Once upon a time, India was considered a spiritually motivated
> country, where love for our brethren, peace and tranquility prevailed
> and where people came from foreign lands to meditate below Banyan
> trees and listen to discourses by our saints and gurus.

There never was such a time in India's history. It is found only in Amar Chitra 
katha's version of Indian history.

Brig. da Costa wrote:

>We have lost
> our way by aping the West. Elders are misbehaving and going after
> money and other worldly pursuits and sex. Children are being spoilt by
> sparing the rod at home and humiliating the teachers in school. Moral
> science is not being taught in school and boys and girls have started
> liaisons and love affairs in schools and colleges.

This is a contradiction. If we have lost our way aping the west then how come 
some countries in the west are doing so much better than us?

Brig. da Costa wrote:
>This is a far cry
> from the India of even the last century. Schools and colleges were
> once considered the temples for learning and teachers were revered.
> Today due to our materialistic approach and longing for luxuries
> things have changed for the worse.

This widespread assumption that India is worse off today than in the past is 
also demonstrably false. India is better off today than at any time in the past 
200 years, in terms of almost every parameter that can be properly, objectively 
and meaningfully compared at different times during this period. This is also 
true of Goa.



From: floriano lobo <>
> Dears,
> I had marked off  two sensitive pieces of write-up in the 'OPINION' 
> columns of the HERALD to read at leisure. One piece by Jose Maria Miranda 
> captioned "Think of Goa(ns), Chief Minister" [H-23feb13-Pg8] and the 
> other by Brig [Retd] Ian Da Costa  captioned " We are Indians First" 
> [H-26feb13-Pg8], both, Goans of impeccable standing and my  cordial friends. 
> This write-up does not seek to challenge their right to say what has been 
> said. 
> It is only that I want to interpret these writings as going against the fiber 
> of 
> being a GOAN from former 'INDIA PORTUGUESA' which remains GOA minus the 

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