Let us hold those who are doing good for the nation as role models, and give
them good publicity.  Despite the minimum facilities that are available to
them.  This will encourage the young to emulate them, rather than those who
have chosen to destroy our society.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad.

Published on: March 16, 2013 - 02:19 

SANQUELIM: Firefighters at the Bicholim fire station saved 11 persons and 47
animals in different accidents other than fire accidents, during the last
14-month period stretching from January 2012 to February 2013.

The property saved due to fire and other accidents during this period was
worth around ` 3.44 crore, however, the property gutted in fire and
destroyed in other types of accidents was worth around ` 1 crore.

Firemen during this period attended 331 fire and 207 other calls. The number
of lives lost in different accidents was 16, and that of animals was 12.

Surprisingly not a single property that was gutted in fire and destroyed in
other accidents was found to be insured due to which the owners could not
get the benefit of compensation.

The total fire prevention inspections conducted during this period were 238
in numbers.

Presently, the firemen at the Bicholim fire station are facing problems due
to the unavailability of good network of hydrants while due to low water
pressure at some hydrants, the fire tenders from Bicholim have to be taken
to Sanquelim for refilling purpose, due to which the situation during the
emergencies remain very uncertain.

If a fire breaks out in Bicholim, then by the time the fire tender goes to
Sanquelim for refilling and returns, almost major portion of the affected
area is engulfed in flames resulting in bigger losses, and as such, there is
acute need of hydrants with high water pressure in the Bicholim area.

One of the hydrants located near the fire station has very low pressure
while the one situated near the ITI Bicholim is damaged and needs urgent

There is not a single hydrant situated in the market area and if a major
fire breaks out there it will be very difficult to control the same.
Similarly, the hydrants situated in the industrial estate also have very low
pressure and so the situation could be very testing.
Most of the fire stations in Goa do not have chemical foam type fire
extinguishers and the Bicholim fire station too lacks these types of
extinguishers as a result fires occurring from petrol or diesel could become
difficult to control.
Another factor that affects the fire extinguishing efficiency at Bicholim is
the haphazard parking of two and four wheelers in front of the fire station
gate, which prohibits the movement of fire tenders during emergencies and
major time of the firemen is wasted in clearing the road of the vehicles

It is pertinent to note that the fire stations in the state do not have hose
pipes which are required to extinguish fire and as a result, it becomes
difficult to extinguish fire which breaks out in the interior places like
plantations, as fire tenders cannot be taken to such places.
Meanwhile, the fire station building in Bicholim also needs urgent attention
- it is in a dilapidated state. There is also a need to carry out electrical
wiring and other repairs in order to maintain the building.

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