Caveat, Merv, man needs to look over his shoulder:
 to topple apple cart in a hot town can mean "died in his 
sleep."  We still remember.     eric.

 From: Mervyn Lobo <me
>Certainly it will not be an easy or straightforward
>reconstruction, and we can easily become critical and cynical
>along the way.  It’s immensely difficult and sometimes
>seemingly impossible to walk in the shoes of the fisherman.
>So before we rush to judgment we would do well to remember
>the old proverb about withholding our judgment till we walk
>in the other’s shoes.  But we can only imagine Pope Francis’s
>awesome task.

This is the crux of the mater. For too long, the people wearing show off shoes 
have been running the show. 

Today, we have a barefoot Pope.

I am looking forward to this new Pope cleaning up the house.


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