Judas Iscariot

He is labelled as the betrayer and traitor of the son of God. He is
infamously known for his kiss of betrayal for thirty pieces of silver. All
the four Gospels identify him as the betrayer.  Is the epithe Iscariott
applied posthumously to distinguish him from another Judas ? He was the
only apostle from outside Galilee . It is not known whether this fact made
him uncomfortable. Did  Iscariot connote a liar or false one?

The chief priest was looking for a sly way to arrest  Jesus  and not during
the feast afraid of his popularity and  people rioting .Hence they chose
the night before the feast

Judas was the treasurer, Money bag or the purse keeper of the apostles and
was suspected to be petty thief using money as he wished .He protested at
Jesus feet being anointed with costly perfume, which could be used for the
poor .Hence money was his weakness and undoing falling from grace with
Jesus. He was expecting that Jesus as the leader of Jewish would revolt
against the Romans and he had great hopes and love for his country to be
freed. He was disappointed, disillusioned disciple on Jesus announcement of
impending death

Jesus is very strongly condemning his treachery, by saying that it would
have  be better for him not to be born in the first place and yet Jesus
addresses him as the friend and he chose him as the one of the twelve
apostles. The sin of treachery aaginst trust is very significant according
to Jesus. Jesus said that the one who will betray him will  eat  the dipped
bread and which was given to him He left at the last supper without
partaking of the wine with Jesus asking him to do quickly what he wishes
and the others did not understand what it was meant. Earlier while washing
the feet Jesus remarked, hinting that all of them were not clean. But
nothing touched the heart of Judas to reform and change his intentions and
greed for material wealth. If Judas had not to betray him then Gods plan of
crucifixion, resurrection and the prophecy would not be fulfilled? Was not
Jesus ultimately destined to be crucified? Did Judas have not cared to
exercise his own free will and was it necessary and unavoidable? He was
free to accept or reject Jesus, It is noted that he never addressed Jesus
as the Lord, but as the master .Judas acted with Jesus full knowledge and
consent of betrayal. And yet Jesus picked him up as his chosen apostle.
Judas was already damned before he committed suicide. He sold him with a
kiss and 30 pieces of silver. Perhaps he never expected the way they
treated Jesus and condemned to die. He repented and returned the money. But
he never repented to Jesus in person against whom he had sinned by
treacherous betrayal of innocent blood .The act of betrayal does not appear
in the earliest Christian writings.

Did Judas commit suicide before the crucifixion by hanging at dawn or his
body burst disemboweling his internal organs? There are conflicting reports
of death of Judas It appears that he had dream of disciples stoning him and
persecuting him   for his act of treachery .Was he present after the Jesus
appeared to the apostles where only Thomas was said to be missing? He is
speculated to have died much later after resurrection

Jesus  I his goodness and dying moments had been merciful  eve to the thief
on the right side of the cross and asked forgiveness for those who did not
know what they were doing  Was Judas granted forgiveness or eternal
punishment It is  also averred that Judas went were he wanted to go

Judas Iscariot is the classical, ultimate example of treachery and betrayal
of trust and relationship in friendship for pure material and selfish gains
and is condemned for his sin

Nelson Lopes chinchinim

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