Holy Cross Society holds annual Feast 
By Michael Ali
Karachi: The annual feast of the Holy Cross Society was celebrated at St. 
Anthony’s on March 31, 2013 by the members of the society and was conducted by 
Fr. Gasper Mendes OFM. His Lordship, Archbishop Joseph Coutts, Rev. Fr. Mario 
Rodrigues, parish priest and Rev. Fr. Noman Arif, Asst. parish priest and Rev. 
Fr. Melito Dias also graced the occasion. 
This service was held in front of the Holy Cross (erected in 1974) besides the 
grotto in the church compound.  This year marks the platinum jubilee of the 
Holy Cross Society which was founded by devout Goan Catholics of Karachi 75 
years ago.
The prayers and hymns at this devotion are held in Konkani and was the 
brain-child of Mr. Albin. The Cross plays a very significant role in the Goan 
psyche, In Goa, it is common to find a small Cross by the roadside every few 
kilometers. Most people, including, non-Catholic Goans, start their day by 
saying a short prayer at the first cross on their way to work or school. During 
my visits to Goa, I have also observed  drivers  stop by the side of the road, 
garland the Cross and offer a prayer to ensure that their day passes safely.
This was perhaps the reason why the immigrants to Karachi from Goa tried to 
replicate this devotion in the city they chose to call their new home and also 
to keep their customs and tradition alive.
History of the Society
Mr. Marshall Fernandes, the current President of the Holy Cross Society, 
informed this scribe that the Society was founded in 1937 under the leadership 
of Rev. Fr. Aquinas van Liebergen OFM, the first parish priest of the newly 
erected parish of St. Anthony’s. Currently, the Society has about 80 members. 
Each year, the feast is dedicated to a member who wishes to celebrate his 
devotion to the Holy Cross for personal intentions.
The following is a list of the founder-members, all but two of whom are 
Mr. Albin, Leo Fernandes, Alex Mathew D’Cunha, Dominic D’Cunha, Felix D’Cunha, 
Jouquim Rodrigues, Michael D’Costa, Thomas Fernandes, Ambi Dias, Eusebius 
Rodrigues, Reggie Mascarenhas, George D’Souza, Cassian Rodrigues, Anthony 
Pereira, Dominic Mendes. The members still with us are Mr. Anthony D’Costa 
(USA) and Mr. Cajetan Mendes (Karachi).
The original Cross in front of which these prayers were said is now embedded in 
the left boundary wall of the church compound, an outline of which is still 
visible. The prayers and hymns are the same as recited in Goa. The current 
Cross was erected during the tenure of parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael D’Cruz 
OFM with the generous assistance of the late Louis Pinto.
Devotions are held from the second to fifth Fridays of  Lent and culminate with 
the Feast  on Easter Sunday to honor the  Cross on which Christ died out of 
love for us thereby bringing salvation to the world.
Feast day celebrations
This year about 250 people attended the function.
The devotional prayers were recited by Rev. Fr. Gasper Mendes OFM in Konkani 
and hymns including Deo Amcam Zai, Antiphona Da SS Virgem Maria, Oracao Da S. 
Cruz, Sao Francis Xavier, Adeus Adeus Mai etc. were sung to the accompaniment 
of the violin played by Mr. Cajetan Mendes.
Speaking on the occasion, His Grace, Archbishop Coutts commended the devotion 
of the community and also their zeal in not only keeping the faith but also 
carrying on the customs and traditions of Goa. Rev. Fr. Mario Rodrigues and Fr. 
Melito Dias also echoed the sentiments of the Archbishop.
After, the devotional prayers, Ms. Maria Trinita Rodrigues d/o Brian Rodrigues, 
 Michael Gorden and Perpetual Fernandes whom the feast was dedicated to this 
year, were crowned with a wreath made of flowers. The feast is booked through 
the year 2020.
The Litany was recited in Latin and being the Platinum Jubilee year of St. 
Anthony’s parish, the Jubilee prayer was also recited at the devotions.
A unique feature of this year’s celebrations was that a founder-member, Mr. 
Cajetan Mendes celebrated his 87th birthday on the same day. Mr. Joseph 
D’Souza, another member also celebrated his birthday to ‘Happy Birthday’ sung 
both in English and Konkani.
The function ended with a lavish dinner. A small prayer (ragees) and a key 
chain with the Jubilee logo of the church on one side and the Holy Cross on the 
other was distributed to the members and their guests.

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