Apropos the letter “Two airport can definitely co-exist in
Goa” on GT dt. April17; I tend to agree with the writer on certain issues
therein. Two or even four airports can co-exist, but the question is whether
two airports is financially viable? Is the writer more experienced than experts
from ICAO who have clearly stated financial unviability even after projecting
passenger traffic at 4 million to year 2022? Sure, I also believe him that all
Goans are not against Mopa. The land sharks are not, so too those who eat their
fallen crumbs and the many Goans who believe everything and anything their
politicians tell them. It is also very obvious when some look at every issue
from communal angle that we have people only equipped with a hammer, and tend
to see everything as a nail.

The Navy sure have been in possession of Dabolim airport for
over 50 years, but was this a legal possession? And may Goans know the enemy
for which Goa is strategically located? Could it be North Korea?

Dabolim with its expansion can definitely be developed into
an efficient International airport. Irrational excuses for reasons of tourist
decline can be plenty. But the main are what tourist themselves write to the
press; about the garbage and filth everywhere, the increase in crimes on
tourists, the visa imbroglio, the fleecing, etc.

And lastly, whoever has stated that airport is employment
generating industry understands very little of Human resources, that too when 
placed bordering another State.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão



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