Lion Roars
Mopa(ian) size land acquisition in the offing?

Goanspirit learns that there is a written proposal in the in tray in the office 
of the Collector, north Goa, put there by the Padmashri Vamanrao Sardesai Trust 
which wants land for its proposed Vedanta Institute.  No, this is not that 
Vedanta that plunders Mother Earth to make its billions, but an institute which 
fosters the propagation of Vedas.  What is worrisome to GS is that this 
government will acquire someone's land somewhere, as we learn that the proposal 
is being deliberated on by it.  So, land owners, brace yourselves for yet 
another grab on your land.  And say a quick prayer in the interim that this 
latest requirement will not be of a Mopa-ian size land grab.

Flying circus is back

Successive governments in Goa have been known for two things, arbitrary 
acquisition of people's land and for its ministers and officials travelling 
abroad on junkets.  They have this obtuse way of brazening it out, but the 
depressing factor is, they are junkets any which way you look at it.  This is 
the black box revelation of flights recorded and made by officials of the 
Tourism Department and Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) between March 
2012 and 28 February 2013.

The department's assistant director Rajesh Kale and Tallabathulla Ravishankar, 
a consultant, flew out to visit the ITB, Berlin 2012 from March 7-11.  In the 
days March 21-24, Milin Chodankar, information assistant took off to the MITT, 
Moscow 2012.  The deputy director of tourism, Pamela Mascarenhenas and 
assistant tourist officer Ganesh Teli flew closer home to the Indian Crafts 
Festival at Kathmandu, Nepal from April 27-May, 2012.  Teli next took off to 
attend the ITB, Singapore 2012 along with Gajanan Mahale, information 
assistant, from October 17-19.  If you wonder why GS has not given an account 
of their undoubtedly heavy expenditure, it is only because these flight happy 
officials have not had the time to submit their travel and allowance bills.  
But be assured that all of the 2012-13 budget of Rs 8,75,000 allotted to the 
Department of Tourism and all of the Rs 6,00,00,000 allotted to GTDC will be 
wiped clean by the end of the fiscal.

They are getting there already.  GTDC went a full mach ahead flying Vasco MLA 
Nilesh Cabral and the corporation's chairman to Lisbon and Portugal between 
October 8-13 spending a cool Rs 4,32,203 of your tax money.  For company, he 
took along the MD Nikhil Desai (expenditure: Rs 1,86,765) and Deepak Narvekar, 
its public relations officer (expenditure: Rs 2,13,005).  A month later, Desai 
jetted off to London for eight days spending Rs 2,05,422 of your hard earned 
tax monies.

Earlier that year, GTDC's previous MD Melvyn Vaz flew to Berlin and Germany for 
nine days (March 5-13) blowing up Rs 2,84,455 of that hard earned money again.  
The free-spending corporation increased its carbon footprint sending Bernadetta 
De Souza, general manager-administration to Moscow between September 18-22 
(expenditure: Rs 2,83,069) along with Thelma Moses, executive aide to the MD 
(expenditure: Rs 1,98,111). That's a total of Rs 10,37,395 and mounting.

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