On Apr 22, 2013, at 6:44 AM, Bernice Pereira <bernicepere...@yahoo.com> wrote:

1: A young man met with a bad accident and his ribs were fractured.

2:  He was taken to a Government hospital in Mapusa 

3: as (I understand from the victim's bro), all accident cases must be taken to 
government hospitals.  

4: The orthopaedic doctor was not available and the family had no other 
recourse but to either wait till the next day or go to Panjim. 

5:  This is bizarre!

6:  Considering the high accident rate in Goa, should't it be mandatory that 
such accident cases can be dealt with by the nearest available hospital?


a: I am not aware of any law which prevents such cases from being taken to a 
private hospital. That the private hospital may not wish to get involved in 
such cases, is another matter.

b: Not very sure what an orthopaedic surgeon (alone) would have done in the 
above case, if it was serious. In that event, specialised ICU support would 
have been needed.

c: Trauma cases are best dealt with by and in specialised Trauma Units. Such 
units are best in central and tertiary hospitals.

d: While accidents can happen at any time and anywhere, I suggest that Goans 
should consider the following in Prevention and Management (this is NOT an 
exhaustive list):

PREVENTION: Drive defensively, do NOT drink alcohol and drive, Use helmets on 
two wheelers, do NOT drive around needlessly, follow traffic rules etc

The State has its own responsibilities in preventing mishaps: Fix the roads, 
Fix the lighting, do NOT allow vehicles which are not roadworthy, implement 
speed and alcohol checks.

MANAGEMENT:  organise proper Rescue and Transport mechanisms, have properly set 
up Trauma Centres (both State responsibilities)

BTW: If one eliminates the amount of funds these 'Babus' waste everyday on 
Welcome and Farewell parties, there would be enough money to set up the needful 
centres, transport facilities, and employ the necessary staff.

ps: I will not get into the nonsense which goes into the NON-hiring of 
qualified physicians for vacant posts.


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