ABOUT MY......
A man (Jakru) goes to his family doctor (Dr. Leitao) for a follow-up visit:-  
Dr. Leitao: Yes Jakru, how is your cough now? 
Jakru: It’s less than before. 
Dr. Leitao: Look, it’s improved because you are on antibiotic, but… 
Jakru: But? But what doctor? 
Dr. Leitao: (Showing Jakru, his X-ray which was taken during his first visit) 
Look Jakru as your family doctor I have to warn you that you got to stop 
smoking, see your both lungs are damaged.
Jakru: I’ll try doctor.  
Dr. Leitao: Try? No trying business. You should be ashamed of yourself. Even on 
cigarette packs its clearly written that ‘Smoking cigarettes are injuries to 
your health’. It’s the time to stop completely, otherwise I am afraid  soon you 
will get Lung Cancer.
Jakru: Doctor, to tell you the truth, sometimes when I reflect back on all the 
cigarettes I smoked, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the cigarette and think 
about the workers in the cigarette factory and all of their hopes and dreams. 
If I don’t smoke this cigarette, they might be out of work and their dreams 
would be shattered, Then I say to myself, it's better that I smoke this 
cigarette and let their dreams come true then be selfish and worry about my 
Cajetan de Sanvordem 

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