The issue is whether Sacru played in the Olympics and, as the report says,
won an Olympic gold medal. I can't say with hundred per cent certainty but
I think Sacru was in the Olympic camp and he wasn't selected because he let
in an easy goal during the trials. He was brash and daring but lacked great
skills displayed by his contemporary Shankar Laxman and others.
I have seen Sacru play and knew him very well. In fact, he was the person
who warned me to be careful of the some of the Sikhs in the Bombay Hockey
Association who were angry with me for one of my reports.
I often had lunch at City Kitchen during my working days at the Free Press
Journal, which was then located at Dalal Street, near the Stock Exchange,
in the Fort area. He would come at the table I was sitting and chat with
me. He had lot of hockey stories to tell and I, along with friends, would
laugh when he told them in his inimitable style. He was, I must say, a
colourful character both on and off the field.
I also knew his daughter, Ermina, very well as I often reported on women's
hockey and was considered a very knowledgeable person on the women's game.


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