Goa be damned, it's all about freebies
May 13-19, 2013
Lionel Messias

Goa's Movement for Special Status (GMSS) at the Dando grounds, Benaulim where 
cheques of government freebies such as the Ladli Laxmi and senior citizens 
schemes were distributed, proved to be a disaster because as it happened the 
people came there only to collect their cheques.  Having collected their 
freebies, they left.

This speaks volumes about Goans and issues being fought right now before your 
very eyes.  It is also an indictment of environment minister Alina Saldhana who 
allegedly used the occasion to entice spectators to her faltering GMSS.  
Already there is criticism of her entering the anti-Mopa campaign too late, and 
we will never know if this is a rebound of that criticism.  Goanspirit at least 
does not think so, because this is possibly the finest example of Goans being 
totally not with it.

This is just one example.  I, and admittedly rather foolishly, got dragged into 
an inane ball by ball debate on an equally idiotic post on Goa Speaks on 
Facebook.  By the time you read this I shall have deleted myself as a 
participant of that forum.  This particular post that triggered mostly angry 
replies (barring three respondents who were intelligent) was as a result of an 
earlier post by a maverick politician and dentist.  What really happened was 
just one single person insidiously and not very ingeniously riled everyone 
else. This extremely clever person habitually signed off as Jai Ho.  And what 
anger he created!

My point: are Goans really interested in the issues activists are taking up?  
Or, are we just mere spectators?  And there is a new breed of activists, 
believe me, who are spending their own money, time and energy, which they could 
have spent on their own families.  I met some of them in Nuvem (read the next 
three cover stories beginning this week), and will meet one soon in Orlim.  And 
would you believe it, many of them are women with school/college going kids and 
working husbands.  And trust me they are not the kind that rush to the media 
(vice versa) like the older generation activists.  And there are those warriors 
on FB whose only sacrifice is the possibility of getting carpel tunnel 
syndrome.  It's possible many of them might already unknowingly be afflicted 
with it.

Full story at:


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