Errata eliminated

Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 23:59:03 +0200

Is the dastardly Vasco-rape of Maria Goretti to go the way of Bofors bribes?

The gimmick is crystal clear, & the cunning...the ingenuousness behind this 
manouvre very sad 
and disturbing.

In the first stage, in the immediate aftermath of the clearly premeditated 
perpetration of this 
criminality, a vital period of time was contrived, before any authorities were 
intimated, so that the 
headmistress, with her fellow-culprits, could wash the girl's relevant anatomy, 
her undies and the 
entire venue, toilet, etc., of the scene of crime.

Then followed the expected boisterous hulabaloo by politicians and 
heavy-weights in Vasco & the state 
vociferating, loud & clear, that Goa...would not, could not countenance such 
wanton paedhopile rape, 
have it cleared up, the culprit arrested before the end of the week....month & 
so on.

Days have gone on to weeks...months & are steadily moving on towards a year &, 
hoped for, oblivion.

At this second stage, the high-clouted Mormugao Port Trust, the Goa police and 
the Goa administration, 
deftly puppeted by CM Manohar Parrikar, content that all the vestiges of the 
crime, that may have been 
overlooked by the headmistress & co., have been eliminated in toto, are now 
staging the great Sorkar-trick 
of absolute disappearence by invoking that perenial bogey of the high-priests 
of official Indian corruption & 
deceit: "We have handed over this case to the CBI."

The zillion-crore question is: when---how---through which authority.... has 
this been achieved?

&, now, a most devoutly hoped for distraction to the public watch has been 
booned to Parrikar, the police, 
etc.: The Great BCCI scam!

I am painfully reminded of the shameful India-Bofors Bribes Scandal & the 
staunch sanctimonious avowals
by Rajiv Gandhi & cohorts to have the matter fully & transparently cleared up.

After untold crores flushed over the cover-up the entire matter puffed off as 
effectively as did the ashes of 
the said prepetrator of the scam: Rajiv Gandhi; the billions pocketed in 
Swedish bribes, however, remain,
very un-ash like, in the involved pockets, albeit, the safe-vaults, -accounts 
in Zurich, Swirzerland & the thugs
alone now where else.

Are the sufferings of our, Maria Goretti, the child so heinously ravaged in her 
school toilet, as well as the 
ruthless devastation caused her family, also to disappear the way of Rajiv 
Gandhi's ashes?

Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, Sweden.

Tel/res: 0046 8 759 6214; cell: 0046 70 295 4091

> Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:04:31 +0530
> From:
> To:
> The belated statement by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar that the Vasco
> rape case involving the 7 year old would now be handed over to the Central
> Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is a mere eyewash. It’s almost five months
> and despite the Chief Minister’s repeated assurances, the rapist is yet to
> be nabbed. It’s time the Chief Minister stops trying to further fool us on
> the Vasco rape case.
> It is obvious that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar who has been feeling hot
> under the collar is now trying to wash his hands over the police
> investigation that was politically botched up after the 7 year old little
> girl was mercilessly raped on January 14th in broad day light in the toilet
> of Deep Vihar School run by the Mormugao Port Trust where she was studying
> in the second standard.
> Ironically Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar having time and again publicly
> expressed doubts about the integrity and capability of the CBI, one wonders
> as to why he is now handing over the case to a body he has repeatedly
> stated he had no faith in. There are also doubts whether the CBI would even
> accept to take over the investigation at such a late stage.
> It may be recalled that the Goa Police had dubbed the Vasco rape case as a
> blind case. But the hard truth is that under the political pressure the
> police have sabotaged the investigation even before it could effectively
> start, by even dropping some capable police officers who were part of the
> team investigating the case.
> Everyone is fully aware of what transpired on that fateful day and the
> dubious unpardonable role of the Headmistress Sharlet Furtado and the other
> teachers in washing up and destroying all the evidence after that gruesome
> rape.
> It is very anguishing that though this heinous crime against the 7 year old
> took place on January 14th, Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has to date not
> cared to visit the victim and her grieving family. It is appalling that the
> Chief Minister had shown such insensitivity to the plight of a 7 year old
> from a poor family who was raped. Would this have been Manohar Parrikar’s
> approach if the daughter of one of his cabinet Ministers or MLAs was a
> victim of such a dastardly act? Over to you Mr. Chief Minister.
> Aires Rodrigues
> T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar - Goa - 403006
> Mobile: 9822684372

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