Family of a Goan taxi driver, who was brutally killed by Russians, struggles to 
survive. And this is just one such story of terror and dominanceBasuri Desai I 
The Goan ,Morjim01 June 2013
Russia hasn’t yet heard of taxi driver Ravi Shetgaonkar. He is dead. But if 
Kremlin’s representative, the Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin 
did, he would have measured his words in Goa last week, where he literally 
asked Russians to run their own taxis as businesses in Goa. Kadakin’s carte 
blanche to a blatantly illegal activity has got even a feeble response from the 
state government but at Madriwaddo, the dead Ravi Shetgaonkar’s family, killed 
by a drunk Russian, is still trying to piece together their shattered lives. 
They live in fear and dread.While the Russian dominance in Morjim and its 
extended arms of Anjuna and Ashwem, have virtually been colonised by Russians, 
it is the sheer muscle flexing and boorishness, epitomised by Shetgaonkar’s 
killing, which dominates the Russian experience.And His Excellency Kadakin’s 
official backing to Russians running their own taxi services, breaking local 
laws, puts someone like Shetgaonkar’s killer in the driver’s seat. In parts of 
Morjim where The Goan travelled to, the statement means more than just loss of 
business.It means giving up territory. This story cannot be understood without 
going to Mardiwaddo, the home of Ravi Shetgaonkar, to hear his story.On 
February 16, 2010, on the Morjim-Ashvem route, Shetgaonkar honked impatiently 
as the car in front of him would not let him go. The 45 year old Shetgaonkar, 
the lone bread winner in his family, was on his way home for dinner. The car in 
front stopped as a Russian stepped out. 27 year old Alexander Borowski, an 
employee at Rococo Restaurant accosted Shetgaonkar. In the ensuing scuffle, all 
about one car refusing to give way to another, taxi driver Shetgaonkar lost his 
life.The Russian Borowski is still in judicial custody. This is just a glimpse 
of the brute Russian domination of North Goa. While a measly few of its 
residents share the spoils of Russian tourism, the majority live in terror. 
Shetgaonkar was the first casualty in Morjim, where a villager had lost life in 
a fight between Russians and locals.The level of tolerance has gone down since 
then. As Russians roam around menacingly, the locals too aren’t taking it lying 
down. The battle lines are drawn where Russians stick to their own kind and 
this is how Russian run taxis, shacks and businesses that have sprung up.But 
life did not go on for Shetgaonkar’s family. His widow and three children fight 
a dozen battles every day, struggling to make their ends meet. With 
Shetgaonkar’s death, the family has to subsist on crop from their own 
farmlands. In the absence of their father’s earnings, his children cultivate 
the lands with their mother. Ravi Shetgaonkar’s taxi has been given off to his 
brother to operate and repay back the bank loan.“It was my father’s dream to 
reconstruct our house. We were about to begin when this atrocity happened. His 
dream remains incomplete,” says Atmaram, Ravi Shetgaonkar’s elder son studying 
in the first year in college. His anger at Russian Ambassador Alexander Kadakin 
encouraging his countrymen to get involved in the taxi business is palpable.For 
the family, small pleasures have become struggles. “May was the month when Baba 
used to take us out shopping after the charter season,” rues Sandesh, 
Shetgaonkar’s second son currently in standard 11, “Now buying new clothes is 
something that we cannot even dream of.” His younger brother Suraj, a 
physically challenged child who is studying in Sanjay School for Children with 
Special Needs, looks on wistfully.“We can only hope that Goa government makes 
some effort to curb the Russians’ illicit activities in our village,” says 
Gunaji Shetgaonkar, Ravi Shetgaonkar’s cousin. Ambasaddor Kadakin has dimmed 
that hope with just one line.                                    

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