On Jun 7, 2013, at 3:54 PM, Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The anti-fluoridation nonsense described in the video below is a political 
> propaganda pitch of a well-known quack movement. The nonsense that these 
> conspiracy theorists and activists are propagating have been repeatedly 
> debunked by health experts and scientists, but it keeps showing up on 
> conspiracy websites and internet forums like this

My dear Santoshbab,

Ah Lord .....Santoshbab really has the proverbial tolerance and patience of Job.

My thoughts are as follows:

1:  Does anybody pay attention to the nonsense Con is posting?

2:  Does anybody care about the debunking?

3:  Is it worth the time to the the proverbial donkey to the water?


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