As an answer to message appended herein below, I believe, director of
advertisement and visual publicity (DAVP) has released information saying,
'UPA II has spent following amount, for a period 2008 - 2013, on birth and
death anniversary Advertisements in newspapers:

1) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ..38.3 crores rupees; 2) Rajiv Gandhi..25.4
crores rupees; 3) BR Ambedkar..17.9 crores; 4) Indira Gandhi...16.9 crores;
5) Jawahar Lal.10.9 crores

According to DAVP, Of the total rupees 142.3 crore spent on newspaper
advertisements on former leaders, rupees 53.2 crores were exclusively used
for advertisement on the GANDHI TRIO! (For more information on this, please
refer front page of TOI - Goa edition, dated 9th June 2013. And if any
member of Goanet does not believe in the amount spent can directly contact

One will have also to contemplate this year's cost on such advertisements,
starting from April 2013 to 2014 (till declaration of upcoming general
election results)!! Secondly, and most importantly, as these Advertisements
are issued by government of India under leadership of UPA II - THIS IS OUR

What is more striking is, despite the fact that India's economy is going
down every day, UPA II prefers to spend crores of rupees, which is our
money, on Advertisements!!

This expenditure on Advertisement alone speaks volumes - yes, UPA II is far
away from the big claims they are making - they are actually running the
government OFF the people, BUY the people and FAR the people!! 

U. G. Barad

On Sat, 8 Jun 2013 JoeGoaUk wrote:

Today, all English dailies had half page colour ad front page welcoming BJP
National Executives?to Goa. if there are say 8 dailies including Marathi
etc, today's cost alone could run well into half a crore. Similarly, one has
to take into account yesterday's cost and tomorrow's if any - and this is
issued by Govt. of Goa- which is our money. I thought Parrikar Govt? was
different. birds of feather flock together. shishhhh. 

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