The News Editor,
Panjim Goa,
Request you to please publish the below article in your publication
Thanks and Regards,

Ifa Saldanha

Near St. Jude’s Chapel,

Largo de Estesao,

Cansaulim Goa 403712

Phone No 0832 2755045

Are our leaders tramplers of the Indian Constitution?

A good leader should sow the seeds of Unity as Unity is a beacon of hope
and of prosperity for our Society and the Nation at large. Any
discrimination on the basis of creed, caste, class, is a stumbling block to
progress. History is replete with all the atrocities unleashed due to caste
and religious conflicts; the damage it has caused and which it continues to
cause is irreparable which has kept India even to this day as a backward
developing country (though it is supposed to belong to the richest and
oldest Indus Valley Civilization) and this weakness was capitalized on by
imperialist nations.Yet we refuse to learn from our follies and are ever
gung-ho with our fellow Goans on the basis of our petty disparities.
Everyone seems to be ego-centric, trying to promote their own community,
caste and religion while being disparaging and downgrading of others.

Is India a Theocratic State for our leaders to impose whichever religion
they choose on those who are living within the ambit of the Indian
Constitution? To quote from the Preamble to the Indian Constitution “India
is a sovereign, socialist and SECULAR and democratic Republic. Secular
implies a State which has no religion of its own as the recognized religion
of the State. It treats all religions equally. It secures to all citizens
liberty of faith, belief and worship. In a secular State, the State only
regulates the relationship between man and man and is not concerned with
the relationship of man with God (that is left exclusively to the clerics
of every religion, as they are trained in philosophy, theology to
understand supernatural entities to guide their flock spiritually). One may
worship God according to the dictates of his or her God-given Conscience.
However freedom of Religion is not an absolute freedom but a freedom
subject to regulatory powers of the State, so that in the name of Religion
nothing can be done against public order, morality and health.

If it is so, should not the infiltrators of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti on
our Goan soil, who are sowing the seeds of religious discord among our
pluralistic and diverse religious society, that has and continues to
cohesively coexist, with a great bond of amity for centuries, be denied
future entry before any further damage is done to the tapestry of our
religious diversity harmony? Why are our watchdogs among our political
leaders and the heads of the religious communities mute to this? Are they
waiting to fish in the troubled waters once the evil is done?

Don’t they realize that this evil should be nipped in the bud right before
the cancer spreads? Is it inexorable? Can we allow the prophets of doom to
preach falsehood and hatred in the name of God? Has any Hindu God decreed
that only Hindus can be occupants of this nation even at the cost of
violence? As Satish Pradhan one of the members of Janajagruti, while
addressing the convention at Ramanathi Ponda stated “ Hindu dharma nation,
traditions and sacred cow are on the verge of annihilation. When the state
of affairs is going from bad to worse it is high time we use weapons to
protect the nations dharma and our traditions”.

Is it not perfidious and a blasphemy to attribute to an unlimited and
universal God such sectarian or partisan connotations? Do they not reflect
their ignorance of what God really is and should be? Are they relating to
their God of their imagination as they cannot fathom Him with their sensory
perceptions? If we rake up the Genesis of Religion when Man was totally
insecure on the planet Earth and at the mercy of the natural forces which
overpowered him and being afflicted with fear, he worshipped the elements
of nature thinking he could appease them and could get relief (so there was
his concept of the Rain God, Sun God, God of the Cattle, etc ). Gradually
as the human brain evolved and Man delved deeper to fathom God, he realized
material things cannot be equated with God as they are limited and
transitory but God is a permanent entity which no limited mind can perceive
but only with intense faith through meditation and detachment like Gautama
Buddha, we can experience the imminent existence of God.

All those who rant in the name of Religion must accept the fact that God is
One, the Alpha and the Omega (with no beginning and no end). He is above
everything and above everyone as He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and
Omnibenevolent. He is a universal God of Love who has no limitations and
cannot be confined into the four walls of the church, temples ,mosques,
gurudhwaras etc.God cannot be fathomed by a blinkered or limited mind. It
is unfortunate that Religion is misused as an opium to misguide the people
for their own vested interests by certain unscrupulous elements. Generally
these religious threats are used by our leaders to polarize the electorate
and whip up frenzies of irrational passions and hatred, to divert the
attention from the prevailing serious problems (like corruption, rapes,
scams, etc) and buffeting the Society, which can be hurdles to their
electoral success and unfortunately the poor gullible fall prey to them.

But these fundamentalists who in the name of Religion create social
divisIon or discord incur the wrath of God, who exposes them to natural
calamities like earthquakes, cyclones , tsunamis etc through which God
forcibly teaches them how to live cohesively in a diverse society and with
nature. To elucidate when Latur was ravaged by the earthquake everyone
forgot their caste, class, creed and aided each other to save their lives
even by donating blood which was for a positive good .God knows how to put
them right, yes! If man cannot, God can bring revolution through natural
calamities and many other ways and there are many instances in history to
demonstrate this.

All these bigots should imbibe the liberal values of Swami Vivekananda
whose 150th birth anniversary was just celebrated, who accepted and
respected religious pluralism. He believed in the universal Brotherhood of
Man which can be a powerful means to promote inter-religious peace and
harmony. Being an intellectual with a vast repertoire of knowledge and more
than that a true follower of Religion,he was aware that insistence on one'
sole religious identity can spell disaster to social unity and halt

He even came to Goa and interned at the Rachol Seminary to learn Christian
Theology. All those extremists who are fanning the flames of discord,
should like our great leader Swami Vivekananda do a deep introspection into
their hidden agendas and researching into all religions, which would help
them to know the Truth - that is God and in turn the Truth will set them
free from their shackles, to live in peace and harmony in this Universe,
which is ultimately under His dominion and we are just caretakers.

It would be wiser to be aware that division on the basis of caste and
religion only weakens the Society through constant conflicts and only
blocks development; as Gandhi advises us to transcend all our differences,
remembering that we are ultimately human beings who ought to be human to
each other working in harmony for the advancement of our great Nation.

Janajagruti as an Organization should realize that social, moral and
religious degeneration is the outcome of economic bankruptcy, which should
be tackled seriously at the Government level. As the old adage goes “When
poverty enters the door, love flies out of the window” resulting in
corruption, assorted crimes, assaults on our Environment, scams, etc. Our
dream to make Goa a paradise can be realized only if we all pool our
efforts for a greater synergy, shedding all our prejudices to make Goa a
model State. Finally they should realize that our human brain being knotty
and stubborn, it is difficult to have one uniform thought for a nation
riddled with a barrel of diversities. Let all the Religions live in an
integrated manner because all the Religions are manifestations of the same
God. God is only One, a Creator of this mighty Universe. Religions which
are man made are different interpretations of the same God.

Since all religions were culpable for injustices against each other they
need to introspect and give up the retaliatory attitude and tender mutual
apology so that there is Love, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. More
importantly they ought to have inter religious dialogues to sort out all
the prejudices distancing them and resolve to live in harmony (but these
dialogues should not be like monologues speaking about their own religion
as otherwise the purpose will be defeated).

Ifa  Saldanha

Near St. Jude’s Chapel,

Largo de Estesao,

Cansaulim Goa 403712

Phone No 0832 2755045

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