Not that he needs me to defend him.  But I count myself among his most ardent 
supporters and want to say my piece.

I and a few others, notably my dear friend Dr. Anil Desai, have been strident 
our criticism of Manohar-bab the past few months.  We had - still have - high 
expectations of him, and we hold him to a much higher standard than any other 
Goan politician, past and present.  

Let us be absolutely clear about that: Manohar-bab is the only man right now 
standing between Goa and disaster.  Can you imagine Goa in the hands of a 
Vijai or a Viswajeet?  Hell would be a more pleasant alternative.

We recognize that the filthy sty left behind by the corrupt Congress criminals 
cannot be cleaned in a few months or perhaps even in a couple of years.  We 
also recognize that he has to shepherd his own flock and that is no easy task.  
I mean, he has to deal with stinking gutterbugs like Fat Bastard Vishnu Wagh, 
a dirty casteist s-o-b burdened with the lard of an elephant and the 
of a cockroach.

But we feel that Manohar-bab has as yet failed to hit the right notes.  We are 
desperate for him to succeed for Goa's sake.  We are distressed that he saw it 
fit to barrel ahead with Mopa, a project we are convinced will be to Goa's 
We are angry that he stands by mutely while the Mody and others erect huge 
concrete megaprojects for the benefit of outsiders and choke our rivers with 
their casino boats.   We want Manohar-bab to fulfill the promise that his 
last year signaled and justify the faith the ordinary Goan reposed in him. 

Manohar-bab's true enemies are not us, his harshest, but well-meaning, critics. 
Manohar-bab's true enemies are the sycophants who have surrounded him and 
who uncritically sing his bhajans here on Facebook and elsewhere. What 
Manohar-bab needs - and deserves - is honest appraisal.


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