Dear Goanet Readers

Whichever way you look at purveyors of the English Language or Konkani, one can 
say one thing that could mean totally something else in another 
language or custom.  Kudos to the Young Disco based in North London, England 
"Say One Do One" aptly named from the behaviour of our people (Goans 
say one thing and do something else), this dicso while name searching got it 
spot on. On the music circut in London we have Coelho (Ron) the King who may 
eventually be allowed to perform at the "festival de choriskars" in July that 
could uplift visitors.   We also have the son of a carpenter from Nazareth 
birthday is celebrated on 25 December was well as the man from Gracelends, USA.

Around the world there are many Royal famlies that you may be related to. In 
Goa we have King Momo who visits every February so when the word "OUR" is 
used on a Goanet posting may I request it is only used when refering to our 
people, after all most participants on Goanet are Goan from the borderless 
global village and an avoidance on Goan confusion like the recent kafuckle 
would be helpful.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

17 June 2013

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