S.S.C.E. Prizes for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, students, first & second in
subjects, first boy and girl, 1st Boy, in Konkani, & first in (A.V.C)
Maths & Science combined, std XII Arts/Science, Scholarships to
complete Science & Commerce degrees.

*S.S.C.E. March 2013*

                            1-  Ms Megan Rodrigues                SMA
    First with 89.67.%                        gets Rs.10370=.
2.- Master  Gauder Ambresh .V..   MMHS       second  with 88.17%
        gets  Rs 8120=.
3.- Ms.  Arati J Vengurlelekar          SMA          third  with 89.17%
                   gets   Rs.4680=.
4. -Master  Gauder Ambresh            MMHS        First BOY A.V.Chin
538/600      gets Rs2000=
 5- MasterRichard Simoes             St Rocks      First BOY AV.CNM
 538/600      gets Rs 2000=
     Both share the Benjamin Silva prize (  M.L.A)
  6- Ms Megan F, Rodrigues             SMA           First student in
A.V.C. 553/600    gets Rs7000=
   7-Ms Kumar Archana.P                  MMHS       First English
       90/100       gets  Rsrs2040=
   8-Ms Cruz Arushja Pearl                 SMA          First Kon &also
A.V.CNM 91/100   gets   Rs1144=                        other students
students awarded prizes; Leejoy Pereira , Clinton Furtado,(MMHS) Ms Maclina
S Furrtado (SMA),

II. Science Scholarship for past students of Chinchinim school to
complete science degree course.
a) *Dr. Vilberto Mascarenhas* Rs. 700 each
1)  Ms Megan Rodrigues 2-Ms.Malaika Lacerda.3) Hazel Colaco 4) Ms. Cleofina
Furtado. 5) Ms.
Belinda M. Fernandes .6-Janice Pereira,
b) *SMA-8 Rank Holders* scholarship Rs. 420 each
Master Feyvan Noronha. 2- Joasch Fernanades
c)* Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Evaristo /Carolina Mello* Scholarship of Rs. 700
Ms. Juhaina fernandes
d) *Mrs. Philomena Falcao* Scholarship of Rs. 700 each
1) Ms. Steffy Furtado 2)Ms Samantha Rebello
e) *Mr. & Mrs. Caracilo-Luiza Pereira & Mr.& Mrs. Romeo /Jane Menezes* &
Scholarship  Rs 900=

Ms Sabrina Fernandes
f) *Mr. & Mrs. Caracilo /Luiza Pereira* Scholarship in Engineering Rs.
  Rs 1950=
1) Ms. Zanshila Rodrigues
g) *Eng. Gabriel Rodrigues S. Rodrigues* Science Scholarship Rs. 1750.00
Ms. Benita M. Fernandes

h)    *SPORTS PRIZES Interest  on Rs 128000  1*Mr. & Mrs. John/Cynthia Dias
2- Mr. J.P.DMello 3- Eng. Gabriel
Santan Rodrigues  4- Eng Filipe Neri Rodrigues 5- Mr Constancio Fernandes
6-Mr Freddy Crasto
i) * Mr. J.P. D?mello & Mr. & Mrs. Rogaciano/Jacinta Fernandes* prizes
* Std. XII Science*, Rs. 210 *Unclaimed*
 (First among Applicants Ex. Students of Chinchinim Schools)
j*) Mrs Alba Falcao PrizeStd XII Arts* Rs.210 *Unclaimed *(I, j) highest
amongst the applicants of past students of Chinchinim ?schools only.)
k*)Teacher Awards Primary, pre primary and secondary teachers by rotaion*
1) Mr. 7 Mrs. Nelson /Leena Lopes, Mr. & Mrs. Fideles /Aruna Pereira
2)  Memorial  awards Prof. C.A. Gomes 3) Mr. Constancio DCosta (2).
 5))Mr. Dominguito Jordao Almeida.( Primary Teacher)6- FrCanon Antimo Gomes
Teachers from Sr Mary`of Angels High School this year
Besides the Trust also provides aid for Uniforms , Text Books Std IX,
Medical aid and free  check up
,beneficiaries of S.V.P.Text Books ,Dictionaries, Note Books ,
atlases to all the high Schools of Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes



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