Nuncio celebrates St. Anthony’s Feast 
Michael Ali
and Nicholas Ali 
Karachi, June
13: The curtain was brought down on the yearlong Platinum Jubilee celebrations
of the erection of St. Anthony’s parish, Karachi with a solemn outdoor 
celebration. The main celebrant was H.E. Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, Apostolic
Nuncio to Pakistan. The Mass was concelebrated by the Most Rev. Joseph Coutts,
Archbishop of Karachi and the Most Rev. Everest Pinto, Archbishop Emeritus of
The guests,
in a two horse drawn white carriage,  led by the marching band of St.
Paul’s  High School and an honour guard of the  Scouts of St. Anthony’s Church 
arrived at the
venue a little after 6 p.m. to be welcomed by showering of rose petals by the 
of the Sunday school. He was welcomed by the popular Rev. Frs. Mario Angelo
Rodrigues, Parish Priest, Melito Dias and Noman Noel  and were then
introduced to four senior members of the parish namely  Brig. Dr. Hilary 
Zuzarte (retd.), Mrs. Norma
Fernandes, Mrs. Yolande Henderson and Mr. Raphael D’Costa. 
The entourage
then entered the premises greeting the very large number of parishioners who
were awaiting their arrival. They then proceeded to vest  for the Eucharistic 
Blessing of
the Parish office 
Earlier in
the day, H.E. Archbishop Peña Parra cut the ribbon to inaugurate the newly
renovated parish office and blessed each room. He also unveiled the Roll of
Parish Priests from 1937 to date which was mounted on the left rear wall inside
the church. 
vesting, the celebrants proceeded by altar servers, resplendent in their new
cassocks and surplices and followed by priests and finally the celebrants
proceeded to wend their way through the congregation to ascend the stage to
begin the Mass. The back drop inscribed with the words ‘What thanks, O Lord,
can I render Thee’ very appropriately captured the sentiments of the faithful.
Before the Mass began  an electric flame
was switched on. 
circuit cameras beamed the proceedings to those seated inside and at the back
of the church.  
Archbishop Peña Parra, before his homily thanked Rev. Fr. Mario Rodrigues for
inviting him to celebrate the Eucharist on the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua
and Lisbon and also on commemorating 75 years of St. Anthony’s Parish in
Karachi. He greeted His Grace, Archbishop Joseph Coutts, His Grace, Archbishop
Emeritus Everest Pinto, the clergy and the parishioners on behalf of Pope
During the
sermon he explained how St. Anthony is one of the most popular saints in the
world. Through his teaching of the Gospel and his works towards poverty St.
Anthony is one of the most popular followers of St. Francis of Assisi; greatly
contributing towards Franciscan spirituality. He explained the symbols of St.
Anthony, particular the lily which represents purity and baby Jesus which
represents the humanity of Christ.  
The Nuncio
also explained the Gospel (Luke 10:1-9) on how the number 70 holds importance
in the Bible as it was the number of elders Moses chose, the Jewish Sanhedrin
was made up of 70 people and at that time it was believed that they were 70
nations on earth.  He explained that the great harvest mentioned in the
gospel is the Kingdom of God and Christ chose 72 disciples to carry out the
Word of God.  
At the end of
his homily, the Apostolic Nuncio reaffirmed the Pope’s message of
evangelization during this Year of Faith as the world is suffering from a
poverty of Spirit. 
A few members
representing parish organizations formed the Offertory procession and presented
to His Excellency, Flowers, Vegetables, a Candle,  Tri-country flags ( 
Pakistan, the Vatican and
St. Anthony’s Platinum Jubilee ), the Collection and finally Bread and Wine. 
After, the
final blessing the Apostolic Nuncio said: “I declare the Platinum Jubilee
Closed” and with that the flame too was switched off. 
A barrage of
fireworks then lit up the night’s sky in celebration and bookmarks
commemorating the occasion were distributed among all present. 
On behalf of
the parish, the honoured guests were then presented with token gifts by the
priests of the parish. In his vote of thanks, Rev. Fr. Mario Rodrigues
commended all those who were instrumental in making the celebrations of the
Jubilee year a success. 
parishioners then greeted and mingled with each other after the Choir sang the
anthem of the great saint…St. Anthony of Padua, so holy and so good, we
praise the Lord eternally through Him thy name has stood…. 

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