(Please read Part-1 before reading this post).


I strongly believe that Goans can achieve their aspirations only when Goa is 
run by clean people. Goans in Goa need to set aside their petty differences and 
get together to put up a credible alternative to the establishment. The non 
resident Goan community can at most, provide logistical support, management 
support and a decent level of fund-raising. You can't get Dabolim or kill Mopa 
or get Special Status or whatever else you are seeking - with the current bunch 
of looters in office. You can still support your pet projects, attend public 
protests/demonstrations on issues that are dear to you. But my gut feeling says 
- you can't win, as long as you keep electing the same old scumbags to office 
for an unlimited number of terms.

So let's get down to what we need to do:
The new party would primarily be a volunteer driven effort to cut expenses. The 
volunteers decide on the party's name, provide inputs towards its manifesto, 
recommend candidates to run for assembly elections and help with other major 
initiatives such as fund-raising. If you guys want to use Goa Su-Raj party as 
the platform - that is entirely up to you. Or you may create a totally brand 
new party. But to avoid controversies, I would prefer the organization names no 
founding fathers (or mothers) - just pure volunteers or members. To maintain 
central control, members would hand over specialized tasks to a handful of 
administrators. All members would be kept abreast on critical communications 
via bulk SMS. More detailed communication would be available via the party's 
web site or snail mail (only within Goa) either in Konkanni, Marathi or 
English. The members choose which language he/she wants to receive 
communication via snail mail from the party. The web
 site would most likely be in English.

To kick off the new revolution, all we want is about 100 core members in Goa 
who strongly believe a brand new political party with fresh ideas could help 
deliver a clean administration and propel Goa on the path to prosperity for all 

These 100 core volunteers in Goa would be backed by non resident Goan 
communities by way of spreading the core message and by organizing fund raisers 
in their respective regions.

All funds raised (whether raised in Goa or abroad) would be remitted directly 
to the party's bank account in Goa and reported on the party's web site for 
transparency. Members would have to be assured that every rupee coming in and 
going out of the bank, would be properly accounted for.

Some may argue, what is the need for money?

Fund-raising would help pay for rent/utilities for basic office premises for 
the party. It would be used to generate publicity, flyers, mailings, 
transportation for foot soldiers/volunteers who would visit every corner of 
Goa, pay for election fees for 40 candidates with 100% clean police record, 
support web site, maintain a computer database on registered voters and 
supporters, expenses with 'Get Out The Vote' efforts - and to manage the 
party's strategies among other things.

So how can you win elections with just 100 core volunteers in Goa?

Its a numbers game. I do not have hard figures, but I basing my projections on 
Goa's total population at about 1.3 million. Strip out about 300,000 kids who 
would not be eligible to vote. That leaves about 1 million eligible voters.

In the first iteration, the first 100 core volunteers, bring in 10 new members 
each. The total membership goes to 1,100.

In the second iteration, these 1000+ members bring in additional 10 new members 
each. The total goes to 10,000+ .

In the third iteration, these 10,000+ members bring in another 10 new members 
each. The total goes to 100,000+.

In the fourth iteration, these 100,000+ members bring in just 5 new members 
each. The total goes to 500,000+.

That level of support is enough to take over most constituencies and reset Goan 
politics for good.

Armed with just 100 smart honest Goans, we can help deliver a modern style 
fight to the establishment. The concept of having a job for life in Goa's 
Assembly would be over. There are going to be term limits and recall procedures 
in place. Everything else will immediately follow.

If you have fresh ideas or know of Goans in Goa (or elsewhere) who may be 
interested in joining this movement, please feel free to reply back either via 
GoaNet or in private.

Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy posts and for your help.

Jim Fernandes.
New York.

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