
It's been two months that we've been running Brahma Kamal Accessories in
Goa, and we have got a great response locally, considering that it's the
lean season now.

Brahma Kamal is a place where an experience of interdependence is explored.
Social media is taught, and social media explored, in the real world.

So we've focussed on :
1. Computer Accessories such as Internet Security Packages (Kaspersky,
Quickheal, Mcafee etc. at local prices), cables such as VGA connectors and
iPhone 5 cables.
2. Business Centre providing typing, biodatas, menu design as well as
package design.
3. Training around internet usage and spoken English.
4. Services towards creation of social media and websites for local

Location :
Brahma Kamal,
Hilmin Apartments, Naikavaddo, next to the Village Panchayat of Calangute,
in line and perpendicular to Sameer Electricals.

Werner Egipsy Souza
O-0832 2277369

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