Galloping vegetable prices

In one week time, the prices have jumped 4 times .Is there is some
connivance of manipulating the prices and indirectly benefiting thereby?
The blame on demand due to short supply, unseasonable rains, increase in
diesel and petrol prices, transport costs,  have  some effects. Why does
the Govt,not control the prices by checking hoarding, profiteering of
essential commodities? The steep rise in Vegetables, milk, gas has
crippling effect on the budget of aam admi .The vegetables are costing a
bomb. A reader responded to me by stating that vegetables are much cheaper
in Oslo Norway and per capital income of Indians is no where comparable.
The only thing consumer can do is offer resistance by curtailing needs at
the cost of nutrition. The middle class is squeezed and are reeling under
price burden. The pains of the this class is immaterial when it comes to
pleasing the below poverty population, who are the vote banks Who will pay
for all illegal tapping of electricity, water, which are in fact footed by
the middle class by way inflated bills. The rich do not mind the small
difference in their bills .The gas increase will have its cascading effect
on fertilizers, production of electricity, factory products and transport
The food bill is aggressively promoted as the game changer. Where the
finance for the massive bill will come from, What about the food
production, distribution, storage and whether administration is ready to
meet the challenge? The subsidies on gas, fertilizers are being withdrawn
in a phased manner as unproductive and un economical? This huge subsidy on
food, close to elections The food bill is likely to further put strains on
the availability and costs of essential commodities. The labour fees have
been raised and provided cheap grains to 67% of targeted population. It
does not matter that the rest of the population are out of reach of
essential commodities and their concerns do not make electoral sense or
their grievances a priority

 Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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