Bernice Pereira bernicepereira at on Fri
Jul 5 20:21:52 PDT 2013 wrote:

You could not have worded it better.  Agree completely.  

In the first place, how have those crooks (who are
very often not even mundkars, and neither till the land for decades, nor take
care of it), got their names on Forms 1 and 14? 
Why is this now irreversible? 
Pertinent questions. Answers are blowing in the wind.

Bernice Pereira



In the first place, names were included in Form I
& XIV without the tenants/mundkars registering themselves as tenants or 
Secondly, the genuine landowner was not even informed as these inclusions were
done at Panchayat or Talati level and not before a Magistrate. And to top it
up, when government acquires part of the land, the tenants/mundkars are paid
part of compensation when they have absolutely no locus standi as they are not
registered, and neither does it take away part of the 300/200 mts that they are
entitled to by the Mundkar Act.

It is high time the government reviews these Tenancy
& Mundkar Acts and scrap them as they have done enough prejudice to the
Agriculture and Land in Goa. These Act have just taken from Peter and given to
Paul and then blame Peter for selling Goa’s land to outsiders. 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

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