Bharat Mukti
Mukti strongly condemns the persecution of mulnivasi catholic priest
Fr.Saluzinho Vaz located at Infant Jesus Chapel, Murida, Cuncolim at the hands
of Bamon Archbishop of Goa, Daman and Diu Felipe Neri Ferrao over the past few
years. The climax came when two complaints were filed against Fr.Saluzinho Vaz
at Cuncolim Police Station on 7th June 2013 in order to exert
pressure on Fr.Saluzinho Vaz to evict him from the residence of the Chapel that
he has been occupying for the past 5 years after being posted there by the same
Archbishop in 2008.

One complaint
according to the police sources is filed by group of 10 or 35 people. No names
are disclosed by police officially. The second complaint was filed by two
catholic priests under the instructions to do so by the Archbishop. One of them
is a Parish Priest of St. Thomas Church, Aldona, Amandio Valadares who is an
Episcopal Vicar for North Zone of Goa besides being a Convenor of the Team of
Transfers of Priests. The second Priest is Lucio Dias, Parish Priest of Our
Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, Assolna who is also the Episcopal Vicar for the
South Zone of Goa. Both these priest drafted the complaint on 6th
June 2013 and handed over to Cuncolim Police station on 7th June

The pretext
used by these two priests under the direction of the Archbishop is that 
Quadros has been blocked from taking charge of Infant Jesus Chapel at Murida on
1st June 2013.

carried on the investigations in Murida and Fr.Saluzinho was called at the
Police station couple of times.  However
after the investigations police refused to register FIR against Fr.Saluzinho
Vaz on any of these complaints because of two reasons; the first, Fr.Saaluzinho
enjoys overwhelming support of the Murida parishioners. The second reason is
that this matter is pertaining to Canon Law that governs the Church and it is
beyond the scope of IPC and CrPC.

in the meanwhile applied for anticipatory bail on 14 June 2013 before the
Sessions judge, South at Margao. The text of the application records that the
ecclesiastical authorities have no right to simply relieve him without a
posting.  The application also records
that the Epicopal Vicar acting for the Archbishop has lodged police complaint
with the Cuncolim Police Station seeking police action to evict the applicant
on the ground that applicant is illegally in occupation of the Chapel. The
application further records that the dispute if any is civil and ecclesiastical
and church authorities have no right to lodge police complaint in matter which
are entirely religious and more particularly involving a dispute in respect of
the clergy. The application records that Fr.Saluzinho Vaz has over the years
has frequently pointed out to the higher authorities in the Church the
irregularities in the functioning, particularly in matters relating to money
and property and it is for this reason that the Church hierarchy has turned
hostile to the applicant and are planning to oust him from the church without
any valid reason whatsoever. He further pointed out that the Ecclesiastical
authorities are now threatening to misuse its powers to mislead the local
parishioners, invade the residence of the priest and throw him on the streets
in utter defiance of law both secular and ecclesiastic. 

The very
pertinent observation is also available in this application it reads “that is
well known that the present government is having close relationship with the
Archdiocesan Authority and therefore there is likelihood that the police may be
influenced to arrest the applicant so as to facilitate the Archbishop to
forcibly evict the applicant and install a new priest in his place.”  The 
present government is headed by a Bamon
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and the Diocese is headed by Bamon Archbishop
Felipe Neri Ferrao. The close bamani collaboration of these people is well
known. On the evening of the ordination as Archbishop, party was held on
cruising ship in Mandovi river where Chief minister Manohar Parrikar during his
last stint and the Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao cruised together. This is also
the reason as to why Goa Archbishop has been so confident of deploying police
to intimidate the priests who does not conform to the bamon raj policy of the
Archbishop. And of course it is Goa Archbishop that is responsible to get Bamon
Manohar Parrikar to power in Goa and it would not be surprising if law and logic
is thrown to winds and brute police force is deployed against Fr.Saluzinho Vaz.
That would be declaration of war against mulnivasi people of Goa and would have
to be handled accordingly.  That is the
reason Goa Archbishop is heading the team of persecutors of the catholic
mulnivasi Priest. None but the infiltrated enemy of the mulnivasis inside the
church can do this. And it is being done by the Eurasian bamon Archbishop
Felipe Neri Ferrao.

confidence of the bamon Archbishop to use police force against mulnivasi  
priests is so high that he has even sent a
written threat to Fr.Saluzinho Vaz. In a letter dated June 21, 2013 Archbishop 
“Failure to do so will compel us to resort to legal means, much against our
will. Needless to say, defiance on your part to the above directive will be an
act of grave disobedience.”

In reply to
the anticipatory bail application Police Inspector of Cuncolim police station
carefully protected the Archbishop and did not acknowledge that the two priests
Fr.Lucio Dias and Fr.Amandio Valadares has submitted the compliant against
Fr.Saluzinho Vaz - something that police informed members of public over the
phone. The close co-ordination between the Chief minister and Archbishop is
evident from this fact. Instead police stated that some 35 local people from
Murida, Cuncolim has filed a complaint. Not even a single complainant is named
in the police reply to the court. Further police submitted on 17th
June 2013 to the court that “no any offence stands registered against the
applicant at Cuncolim Police Station.”

Vaz was to be forcefully evicted from the premises at the Infant Jesus Chapel,
Murida, Cuncolim on 29th of June 2013 at 10.30 am. The eviction
notice was served on this Mulnivasi priest Fr.Saluzinho Vaz by this Eurasian
bamon Goa Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao via his letter dated 21st
June 2013. It states  “I call upon you to
cease to perform the functions of Chaplain in the Chapel of Infant Jesus and to
hand over the charge of the Chapel to new incumbent, which would mean handing
over to him the keys of the Chapel along with everything that belongs to it and
the keys of the residence annexed to the Chapel, along with everything belongs
to it, after removing all your belongings from the same on 29th
June, 2013, at 10.30 am., on which date and time the new incumbent, Fr.Agnelo
Quadros, accompanied by Fr.Lucio Dias, the Episcopal Vicar for the South Zone
of Goa and Fr.Manuel Fernandes, the Parish Priest of the Parish of Cuncolim,
will be present at the said premises to take charge of his post as the Chaplain
of the Chapel of Infant Jesus.”

played bamani mischief here again by not allocating him any office and that he
was to be evicted from the premises and thrown on the road. And after that
Archbishop assures Fr.Saluzinho that “our relieving order does not deprive you
from the monthly remuneration to which all our diocesan priests are entitled.
Such remuneration you will get directly from the Archdiocese.” Monthly
remuneration of priests is just Rs.4000/-.

One may
wonder as why Fr Saluzinho has been targeted by Bamon Raj in Church headed by
Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao. The basic reason has been that he has been
publicly expressing few concerns on his website 
has proved to be subversive to bamon raj. He alleges that Goa Archbishops’
palace is involved in practice of witchcraft that is forbidden by the Church. He
writes in a blogspot titiles God’s Kingdom suffered “I’ll
start with the predecessor over here, which came to power using his own
influence in the high places and coupled with witchcraft, yes witchcraft, to
get a boost from the forces of Hell; later climbed up in a similar fashion to
rule the roost, with Hell’s support all along. It was in his term sadly, all
this talk of bringing about God’s Kingdom started, though, he might have been
forced by the circumstances to do so; and it gave an opportunity to do a lot of
movement, with loads of money wasted and hardly any results from God’s

The second
allegation he has been making is that this Archbishop has come to occupy the
position purely because he is a Bamon. He writes  “Now coming, to the
present one ruling, who also has his beginnings marred with controversy, with
the move by the few, with vested interests to get one of their own type (i.e.
the cream, the head of erstwhile god who dominate over the rest, by way of this
socio/religious structure) chosen; they gave the whole underground exercise a
different colour, by incorporating members of the lower rank, to get the task
fulfilled of eliminating the possibility of the other contender from being
selected; this was done on the ground of he having bad temperaments, and a
personality, which is difficult to deal with; but actually the ring leaders
abhorred someone of a lower caste coming to that position.”

third allegation is directly against the Archbishop bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao. He
writes “Coming back to the present head, he earlier, being a partner in the
team of the previous boss and flowing with the tide of things done, has
eventually reached the present position; because, somehow he satisfied everyone
concerned, that there was no other better person for the job; also the previous
satanic gang, which was built up by their head, realised they could continue
with their hidden agenda, with the present one in control. But Oh! It’s
obvious, how he is a slave of the hidden cronies and bends, bows and does a
U-turn to the second in command; who is kept over there by himself and to whom
he is enslaved as it were; it could be, because of some reason not known on the
outside, perhaps, a dark secret, which is used as a trump card at will, against
him. Now, the second person who is ruling unofficially, could be surely having
a darker, remote operator, from amongst the satanic group, one, who could be
the gang-leader.”

Fr.Saluzinho Vaz paints very grim picture of downfall for the Goa Archbishop
considering the way he has been functioning with satanic powers. He writes “All 
this is going to end shortly; the previous dark gang
disbanded with the leader left with black boils to deal with, as consequence of
God’s judgement; which will be brought upon him to do a purification, which if
it leads to repentance, will lead to salvation, or if he remains unrepentant
then eternal condemnation will be the unfortunate result of it all for him. In
this whole process, the present leader will have to scurry and hurry, in order
to escape the mess created and will have to be pulled up, by the highest ones,
to save face and ‘reputation’; which they think they will be doing; but
ultimately, will lead to a downfall of the whole structure, bringing about a
total transformation in this organisation; which for centuries (i.e. for most
of the time of its existence) was a horrible stench for God’s nostrils.”

19th September 2013 Fr.Saluzinho Vaz wrote to Goa Archbishop that he
has noticed injustice in the Archdiocese “I have realized after
being ordained a priest to serve God that there is injustice in the
Archdiocese. Sincere priests who send their accounts as per the rules you’ll
have made, get remuneration which you’ll have established which is a pittance
for their own living but the insincere priests who swindle funds and have their
accounts not in order have plenty for their needs and in all probability give
(i.e. through under the table dealings) to the authorities up in the Bishop
Palace i.e. the group that controls you (to whom you yourself are a slave,
which is known to most priests) and this same priests (i.e. those who swindle
funds) are the favourites of the Archdiocese. Till when this wrongdoing will 
in the Church of Christ?”

In the same letter Fr.Saluzinho Vaz declared his
resolve to fight continuously “I have to state that I will be continuing the
fight with you’ll in the manner I have already decided i.e. by God’s guidance.”

Finally Fr.Saluzinho Vaz asked the Archbishop to
quit the Archdiocese. He states in the same letter “This is my sincere question
to you and if you are not able to solve this longstanding ill, it will be
better that you quit the Archdiocese and allow justice to prevail in the Church
that Jesus Himself founded by the change in the Shepherd that will result for
the Archdiocese of Goa Daman and Diu.”

Fr.Saluzinho Vaz asked Archbishop to quit.
Archbishop on his part is taking revenge on Fr.Saluzinho Vaz and sack him from
Murida. Goa Archbishop’s high-handed behavior is more because of drive to the
agenda of bamon raj in which every mulnivasi priest who stands up for truth are
done away with and silenced. They are then to be replaced with his agents,
pliant, bonded priests who will be taking pride in their slavery and pursuing
the agenda of bamon raj with vigor and aggression and will collaborate in
selling off land like in Vanxim and Tiracol and many other places, also who
will help in effective siphoning of funds for the purpose of mega swindling so
that Bamon Raj is strengthened and Archdiocese of Goa be destroyed thoroughly.

Bharat Mukti Morcha congratulates Fr.Saluzinho
Vaz for his bold and spiritually combative resistance, defiance and
disobedience against the powers of Satan deployed to establish Bamon Raj in Goa
through Goa Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao. Bharat Mukti Morcha stands in 
and support with Fr.Saluzinho Vaz in this fight.

Fr.Saluzhino’s fight is not for his personal
interests but this is a fight for freedom from forces of darkness hidden in
Bamon Raj. 

Bharat Mukti Morcha call upon all the mulnivasi
people of Goa that is biggest diocese of India with population crossing 6 lakh
people to rise up and question the Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao publicly. We
can no longer  stay on the fence and
things are clear that he is standing up only for the interest of bamon raj and
that involves silencing of every sane voice in Church.

Bharat Mukti Morcha also congratulates people of
Murida, Cuncolim and the neighborhood Assolna for their strong support to
Fr.Saluzinho Vaz. 

People of Cuncolim, Assolna and the rest of Goa
are silently watching the game played by the Bamon Archbishop Felipe Neri
Ferrao and it will be People’s decision and support for Fr.Saluzinho Vaz for
his bold attitutide that the people of Goa at large will support Fr.Saluzinho
and Bamon Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao will have to face the consequences for
damaging such a young and dynamic forthright mulnivasi Priest Fr.Saluzinho Vaz.

And this message of harassment has gone to the
nooks and corner of the entire world. So here begins the second down fall of 
Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao after the sale of Vanxim island that too for
peanuts i.e Rs. 55 lakhs (at the rate Rs.6/- and Rs. 20/- per square meter!) on
paper to Bamon Mahendra Gaunekar, who in turn sold it to Ozone group of 
for Rs. 35 crore. What a fraudulency created by this bamon Archbishop Felipe
Neri Ferrao! The under hand money received by Bamon Archbishop Felipe Neri
Ferrao, if one thinks logically it is lump sum and not Rs.55 lakh as Bamon
Gaunekar sold this very property for crores of rupees.

As Vanxim agitation becomes strong and known
world wide so also bamon Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao will be exposed for his
wrong doings against Fr.Saluzinho Vaz. It takes a decade and a half to become a
priest that too priest has to leave his father, mother, brother, sister, grand
parents, his house, his property and become a priest. And now Bamon Archbishop
Felipe Neri Ferrao is destroying the Archdiocese of Goa by sending this very 
Priest on the streets. Is this what is expected from a Bishop? Fr.Saluzinho Vaz
will be rewarded for his bold approach to fight the Bamon Archbishop very
successfully because he is a man of God who keeps himself committed to what he
preaches. Very soon the time will come for the Bamon Archbishop Felipe Neri
Ferrao to be on streets himself.


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