Mervyn Lobo wrote in response to Mayabhushan:

Mayabhushan wrote:
> Fr. Victor Ferrao, a dean at the state?s most renowned Rachol Roman

> Catholic seminary, which trains and grooms budding priests has also said
> his research paper that the scores of temples demolished by the Portuguese
> colonists from 15th century onwards were not Hindu temples, but instead
> belonged to different ?independent cults and religions which were often at
> war with each other?.

Since the objective of the above is to turn everything upside down, I feel
that the priest has not done as good a job as he could. If, and this is a
big if, I were to embark of such a project, I would contest that most of
the temples collapsed and turned into dust at the very sight of the arrival
of the true religion on its sacred land.

Dear Mervyn

What makes you think that the Rev. Dr Victor Ferrao's objective of the
above is to turn everything upside down?

If you have been in touch with recent scholarship of Goan history you will
find that there nothing exceptionable about Fr Victor's remarks.

Rather you seem like an ignoramus wading into a quicksand when you say that
you contest that most of the temples collapsed and turned into dust at the
very sight of the arrival of the true religion on its sacred land. Please
don't disgust us with such unscientific and stupid statements.


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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