July 18, 2013
GFDO expressed shock at the CM’s latest U turn on the state government’s assurance to the AAI at the meeting held on 12th May, 2006 that land for city side airport infrastructure would be made available to them. Based on this assurance, Rs.600 Crores was invested by AAI towards the construction of a New Terminal and Apron, as part of the planned, on-going expansion of Goa airport at Dabolim. The AAI has already paid the government an amount of Rs.4.23 crores towards the land promised for this purpose. In fact, it will be recalled that Mr. Parrikar, during his stint as Leader of Opposition, had vociferously alleged that the denotification of Sy.8/1 Dabolim, was a huge scam perpetrated by the previous government. He should now inform the people of Goa what exactly has changed in dealing with this alleged scam since he took over the reins of government. The CM has displayed his double standards when he refuses to allocate the promised additional land to the AAI for infrastructure for an existing airport that is servicing Goa’s aviation needs, and demands that it make optimum use of land already allocated to them. However, he is quite willing to hand over 80 lakhs sq. metres to private parties to construct a new airport, when the best airports around the world have been set up with only around 40 lakhs sq. metres. The people of Goa should also understand this government’s anti people policies that permit commercial construction on land notified for public purpose and thereafter inexplicably denotified. Productive agricultural land which Goans residing at Mopa depend upon for their livelihood and traditional way of life, however, is acquired for the construction of an unnecessary Private Public Partnership (PPP) airport for the profit of vested interests. It is amusing that the CM calls upon the AAI to hand over the additional “works” on the non existent land to the state when the State government has amply displayed that it cannot even manage Goa’s garbage problem let alone provide basic necessities like adequate water and power to the people in the last 16 months of its rule. According to GFDO, the attack on the AAI by the CM is just a ruse to provide an excuse for him to further strangulate Dabolim airport so as to fulfil the plans of vested interests in Mopa. GFDO earnestly appeals to the CM to display strength of character and fulfil the commitment of the state government, made on behalf of the people of Goa to hand over 36,800 sq. metres of land in Sy.8/1 Dabolim, or the 70,000 sq. metres promised in lieu of that, to ensure that urgently infrastructure is provided for the Goan economy and to maintain the credibility of Goa and Goans.

Fr. Eremito Rebelo

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