I have followed the above thread intermittently (like my readings of various 
digests).  As I am on vacation in sunny San Fran Bay area, and with some time 
on hand, I thought I would take my turn on  this topic; which has gone  back 
and forth as 
most Goanet threads do.  I will refrain from commenting on the off-topics 
that this thread has generated.  Hopefully my insights may  help an 
honest reader make common sense of the conflicting reports one reads about 
early events in Portuguese-Goa.

Much of my writings is based on my readings and interest about:
1. Goa from various (but definitely not all) sources.
2. A history buff's interest about wars in Asia, Europe and Americas.
3. Social and economic aftermaths on the native population and territory during 
and following conquests. 

To really evaluate the topic originally presented, one needs to clarify which 
Goa one is talking about.  

1. There is the Goa of 1510 (Island of Tiswadi).
2. There is the Goa of  mid-1530's with the acquisition of three more districts 
- (Old Conquests) 

3. The much later (18th and 19th century) acquisitions of additional 
districts (New Conquests) which significantly expanded the land mass and 
population of Portuguese-Goa.
I am uncertain which Goa the initial thread referred to. It is most 
likely that it did not refer to the New Conquests.  The history and 
events of 1510-Goa are very different from the history and events of 
1530's-Goa (as we shall see later). I am surprised that individuals, including 
historians, do not 
differentiate these two periods.  IMO to understand the thread, one 
needs some background of these two periods and the distinctly different 
events and dynamics at play.

More to follow!
Constructive feedback is most welcome!
Regards: GL

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