Mogal AnnMari,

Blessed Virgin Mary was, indeed, unfussy: She accepted her lot with confidence 
in the Lord...
a sinple lass in Palestine...chaste & virtuous!

She did not, unduly, question the Divine Message, archangel Gabriel delivered 
her; after a first 
querry about physical feasibilities of the phenomenon Gabriel assured her would 
take place, Mary
submitted without further ado. The rest, as they are vont to vouch, is 
history....however legendary.

There may even have existed a sense of deja vu in Mary's pshyche: Her parents, 
Joachim & Anna,
having been blessed with their first (& only) child, Mary, long after 
Anna/Hannah's natural life-cycle
had past the period of fertility, through Divine indulgence, tiddinged by the 
same ubiquituous Gabriel.

About Jesus, having neglected your family in their vicissitudinary travails, I 
feel that you have, in your
trite self-commiseration, overlooked significant facts: That you no longer are 
required to wallow in indigence you declare you were heir to.

Let me make my point with a contemporary parable furnished me from America, God 
bless the sod:

An yuppie was in a hurry to meet an, already tardied, appointment. The traffic 
in downtown Manhattan
was overwhelming, and parking an apparent impossibility.

In utter dispair the young fella turned to the Allmighty: "Oh Lord," he 
fervently prayed, "please don't make me miss my appointment. Help me get a 
parking slot soon & I devoutly pledge not to miss Sunday Mass ever again."

Just then, a vehicle parked just ahead of him showed signs of moving out...the 
slot was, indubitably, his. In his glee he shouted, "God, forget about my 
parking....I have managed it myself... ."

Were you disappointed that God did not cause your family-tribulations to vanish 
with Aladin's lamp?

Aprorpos your indignation with perceived heavenly prevarication another 
pointer: A texan billionaire, 
paying homage to Buddha, most probably, in the Buddhist Valhalla, asked: "Oh 
great Lord Buddha...what is a billion U.S. dollars for Thee?"

"Oh...just a cent," replied Gautama.

"Oh Great Buddha," went on the pesky American, "what is a millenium to Thee?"

  "Oh, just a second," said Buddha.

"Oh Great Glorious Buddha," went on the cowboy, "would Thou grant me a cent?"

"Oh sure," replied the Lord B., with his unflappable equanimity: "What the 
hassle, as you people say in your USA. Pray, just wait a second."

Thus, dear AnMari, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable...& verilly wrought in 
most mysterious ways....
by no means within our parameters...

Alfred, a sermonising vein....

The Annunciation   -  Luke  1:26-38
          In the sixth  
month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called 
Nazareth, to a virgin  engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the 
house of David. The virgin's  name was Mary. And he came to her and 
said, "Greetings, favoured one! The  Lord is with you." But she was much
 perplexed by his words and pondered  what sort of greeting this might 
be. The angel said to her, "Do not be  afraid, Mary, for you have found 
favour with God. And now, you will conceive in  your womb and bear a 
son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and  will be called 
the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the  throne 
of his ancestor David.  He will  reign over the house of Jacob forever, 
and of his kingdom there will be no  end."  Mary said to the angel,  
"How can this be, since I am a virgin?"  The angel said to her, "The 
Holy Spirit  will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will 
overshadow you;  therefore  the child to be born will be  holy; he will 
be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age 
has also conceived a  son; and this is the sixth month for her who was 
said to be barren. For nothing  will be impossible with God." Then Mary 
said, "Here am I, the servant  of the Lord; let it be with me according 
to your word." Then the angel  departed from her.
> I am a Roman Catholic. Till today I have not joined any believers because of 
> my mother in law. If I join the believers group then when my mother in law 
> dies she will not be burried in the catholic cementry. I know many priest try 
> to use this cementry as a weapon to get the flock together. I believe in Mary 
> buy like you I do not make a fuss. People rush to church on feast days drunk 
> sometimes. For us feast means sorpotel, beer, fog, lights, and by the end of 
> the day Mr.X zalo tight. can you tell deny this Mr.Eugene ? I have come from 
> a poor family. No catholics helped us. We were beggars but not on the 
> streets. My parents suffered a lot. If christ was there on earth he would 
> have cried like how he cried at Lazarus's grave. We went to sleep on empty 
> stomach. i do not like to cite all these                                      


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