response to manuel tavares:

re: jc 1: After all, the alleged Freedom Fighters provided them with
Rights without advising them of their Responsibilities

manuel tavares 1a " I would like jc to prove which freedom fighter
provided these People with rights. Proof which is tangible and
verifiable. Not just statements pulled out of thin air."

manuel tavares 1b: " If people migrate  to another place where the
customs are different, isn't it incumbent up to the new migrant to at
least learn the basic customs?'

jc RESPONSE1: As the issue of 'RIGHTS' is a LEGAL matter, Mr. Tavares
may wish to review the relevant section of Art 19 of the Indian

He may then access Art 360 of the same Constitution to ascertain WHAT
the Kashmiris secured before agreeing to accession.

Constitutional Law is not my field but this I can definitely state:
What is "incumbent" upon an individual to do, has not yet been
legislated in any Common Law country.


re jc 2:  (a) is it possible that the Freedom Fighters were thinking
ahead in terms of Organic Farming?  (b) do we remember the Konkani
term for 'going to the toilet' ?

manuel tavares 2: " Again jc Proof please that Freedom fighters had
anything to do with Inviting these immigrants to Fertilize the land
organically. Or is this the new Indian Agricultural Policy according
to jc."

jc RESPONSE2:  Oh English! Why dost though allow this non-AngloIndian
(me) to write in non-euphemistic terms which have the penchant of
leading some of us astray?

BTW: Enjoyed Mervyn Lobo's response to "frightened by Expats expertise" FN!

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