The Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) holds office for a term of five
years or till attaining the age of 65, whichever is earlier.

So, if the Goa Government succumbs to the lobbying and appoints Leena
Mehendale who was born on 31st January 1950, the government besides sadly
opting for a non Goan, would effectively have her for a very short a tenure
of just over a year. Which means that the Goa Government would have to
commence right away the process of finding her successor. This, given the
long time the government is taking to find a person to head the State
Information Commission.

Leena Mehendale who hails from Jalgaon District in Maharashtra if appointed
as Goa’s Chief Information Commissioner may not even complete learning
Konkani during her brief sojourn in Goa.

Besides, the government which for over five years has been unable to find a
proper and decent premises to house the State Information Commission, will
now have to run helter- skelter to find a residential accommodation for
Leena Mehendale as the  Chief Information Commissioner enjoys the rank and
status on par with Election Commissioner of India.

Hopefully, the high level committee headed by the Chief Minister as its
meeting tomorrow will take all these factors into consideration.
Surprisingly all these vital facts skipped the attention of the screening
committee headed by the Chief Secretary which shortlisted Leena Mehendale’s
name for the CIC’s post.
Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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