On Jul 28, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Stephen Dias <steve.dia...@gmail.com> wrote:


Earlier there was a similar case also in GMC that a professor in medicine was 
also been alleged by a girl student for a similar offence

Such instances are very common among the female students which they take the 
shelter of these laws and dictate terms to their superiors.

In this case how can three professors together sexually harass a girl?

She must have done something wrong for not  attending the classes or a bad 
behavior  etc.


While you are right that False Accusations of Sexual Harassment can and do 
occur, I suggest that we hold judgement until ALL the facts of the case are 

I believe that ALL of us who are in professions (physicians, bosses, teachers, 
professors etc) which can expose us to charges of Sexual Harassment, should be 
extra careful NOT to be caught in situations wherein such charges (sometimes 
false) can made against us.

While anything is possible, Let us NOT automatically assume that the young lady 
was in the wrong. 

And YES,  3 different individuals can harass one young lady. It does not have 
to be 'together'.


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