The Right to Information Act was enacted to ensure transparency and
accountability in public life. The State Information Commission plays a
crucial role, as a watch dog to oversee and ensure the proper
implementation of the Act.

Sadly over the last 17 months the manner in which Chief Minister Manohar
Parikar has gone about trying to hand pick his Information Commissioners it
has only been mired by repeated controversies. After the Pandurang Nadkarni
and Pradeep Padwal fiasco we are now encountered with the Sandesh
Prabhudesai saga.

The Right to Information Act mandates that the State Information
Commissioner shall be a person “of eminence in public life with wide
knowledge and experience in law, science and technology, social service,
management, journalism, mass media or administration and governance”.

The Goa Government on 4th May issued an advertisement calling for
applications/ recommendations for post of Chief Information Commissioner
and only one post of State Information Commissioner. The deadline to submit
the applications was 25th May.

On 24th May, my friend Dr Oscar Rebello submitted a letter recommending the
name of Sandesh Prabhudesai for the post of State Information Commissioner.
Knowing Dr.Oscar Rebello’s command over English, a bare diagnosis of that
now controversial letter recommending Sandesh Prabhudesai’s name indicates
that the same was surely not drafted by him. So did Dr Oscar Rebello merely
sign on the dotted line?

The cryptic bio data of Sandesh Prabhudesai which Dr Oscar Rebello claims
he has himself complied has been injected with  loose, vague and
non-specific statements beginning with non-committal phrases such as:
Actively worked with in;  Involved in; Associated with;    Participated in;
Associated in;   Played Active role in;

Interestingly the biodata does not mention any dates, and neither encloses
any certificates or other supporting documents. It does not state as to how
Sandesh Prabhudesai has the required ‘eminence in public life’. More
importantly the bio data is curiously mute on Sandesh Prabhudesai’s
educational qualifications.

Though after his selection Sandesh Prabhudesai has officially not said a
word, he has been privately saying that the advertisement did not require
the educational qualification to be indicated.

I hope that in his quest to grab the post, Sandesh Prabhudesai has at least
read the advertisement properly. It specifically requires the full details
of your bio data. There can never be a doubt whatsoever that one’s
educational qualification is the foundation and a very integral part of the
biodata.  Not to suggest that Sandesh Prabhudesai does not have a
proficient educational qualification but the only concern is that it has
mysteriously not been incorporated in the biodata.

In this whole episode however, the most intriguing symptom, is that if he
was so keen on the post and felt that he was well qualified for it why did
Sandesh Prabhudesai himself not apply. Last year even some retired High
Court Judges had the humility and sent in their applications with their bio
data for the same post.

Any recommendation letter unsigned by the applicant himself is a document
which holds no responsibility of truth or accountability. If tomorrow, one
or more of the claims made in such a recommendation are challenged or found
to be untrue, the applicant can merrily wash off his hands by stating he
never made such a claim. Who, then, would be responsible for the falsehood?
….The person who recommended…. Dr. Oscar Rebello ??.

We have never heard of any application for a post, pursuant to an
advertisement being made by a recommendation and not by the candidate
himself. A mere recommendation by itself is necessarily invalid. The
applicant for any post can certainly request respected members of society
to recommend him but such recommendations can only accompany his signed

Sandesh Prabhudesai is no doubt at his best in organizing television
programmes. I have enjoyed being part of so many over the years. But the
job of State Information Commissioner is something much more beyond and
serious. You have to be writing judgments after adjudicating on a very
evolving law, the Right to Information act.  Any challenge against an order
passed by the State Information Commissioner lies directly to the High

If Manohar Parrikar finds himself under so much of pressure to find Sandesh
Prabhudesai a job, the Chief Minister could accommodate him as his Press
Information or Public Relations Officer. I am sure Sandesh Prabhudesai
would excel in such a post.

I am sure Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has by now realized his error in
creating an extra post of State Information Commissioner to accommodate
Sandesh Prabhudesai. I hope in his current bid to cover up the
illegalities, he at least seeks the much needed legal advice of the Law
department. The appointment of the State Information Commissioner is done
by the Governor, who I am sure like Dr Oscar Rebello may not just sign on
the dotted line but will apply his independent mind especially in such a
vital appointment.

The scales of law and justice clearly weigh against appointing an extra
Information Commissioner given that only one post is notified and only one
post was advertised. The manner in which Sandesh Prabhudesai’s name was
recommended and later heavily lobbied for is also a matter of great
concern. Solely merit and no extraneous considerations should always be the
beacon in selection to any post. Otherwise the selected person will never
have an independent mind. And when there is lobbying for a post, even by
recommendations like this, for such a quasi-judicial post, should itself
have been a disqualification.

If Sandesh Prabhudesai becomes the State Information Commissioner he would
have to embark on his never ending voyage of finding his required wide
knowledge and experience of law. Something that is very vital for the post
and what he desperately lacks.

If he feels that his mentors and friends would be writing or aiding him
write those judgments Sandesh Prabhudesai is hoping for the impossible. As
Information Commissioner he may end up being the victim of the very Right
to Information Act. If the doctor’s prescription works, the State
Information Commission may inch towards a state of deep coma which even an
antibiotic may not be able to resuscitate.

But Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar is known to go all out thrashing the
law to accommodate his family and friends in style. The appointment letter
of Kurupati Dwarkanath Row as Chairman of the Goa Public Service Commission
came to him on 4th March this year on his birthday.  Will Sandesh
Prabhudesai be able to extract the Oscar award on 15th August which happens
to be his birthday? The drama is unfolding. We shall soon know.
Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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