Dear Ossie

Somebody told me that you, our Sarpanch, Mr Oswald Cordeiro who has
recently been elected as President of A A de Moira was looking for
suggestions as to how to improve A A de Moira.

Somehow you forgot to ask me so I hope you don't mind if I make my
suggestions here on MN with a cc to Goa Net so that someone or the other
will pass on my opinions to you.

1) Buy about 25 tables and 100 chairs. Doing this will mean that whenever
there is a function there will be no need to hire these and incur
unnecessary expense. Also it will be possible to rent out these chairs and
tables to those who need them for their private functions and thus earn

2) Buy an Inverter for the club. This will mean that whenever there is a
power cut the club need not have to suffer. The cost of this is about Rs

3) Both point 1 & 2 will enable the club to raise the hiring costs of the
club which at the moment is a paltry 2 or 3 K if I mistake not.

4) Organize tournaments in carrom, chess, table-tennis, football,
cricket... Get people who are not in your club committee to help out in
such organization. I would be delighted to help out here if I was asked
nicely to organize a chess tournament. I know people who would be happy to
organize carrom and table-tennis etc for although they are not on the new
committee they would oblige if approached nicely.

5) Get the youth involved.

6) Raise funds from members as this makes them feel part of the club. If
people know you are organizing things they are willing to sponsor provided
you give them credit. For instance if you say that every table one sponsors
will bear one's name then I will be ready to sponsor 5 tables; Vincy may
chip in with 10 tables; Francis with 15 tables and Ola - all the tables you
need are there in your hands. And without asking Mark will say he will
sponsor all the 100 chairs. If you approach the right people the 20 K for
an Inverter will be easily given to you. (This btw is better than getting
Acron or Timblos to sponsor as then they will demand their pound of flesh -
if you know what I mean)

7) And MOST IMPORTANTLY - Make the Club More Broad Based - religion, caste,
gaunkar / non-gaunkar, class, age and gender wise.

After the last elections, FN cynically told me "Did you notice how cleverly
the gaunkars made sure that all the committee were comprised of only

I said yes. Only Ossie himself and perhaps Caetano Raposo were
non-gaunkars. Which is why I was extremely un-keen to contest an election
which had been fixed before hand. In fact I was surprised that Bosco who
hitherto never came to the club became a committee member. ;-)

Mr Cordeiro, if you want to make the club as vibrant as it was in the
middle 70's when I don't think you were around the place  but when the A A
De Moira had a football team with the brilliant defence of Nicholas Andrade
and the forward skills of Gokuldas and the late Seby D'Cunha, and yet there
were Francis D'Cunha, Noel Pinto Correia, Vinod Raikar, Shantaram Raikar,
Ivo and Martin Fernandes and Jairam from Nachinola ... people of all castes
and creeds playing then you will understand that a critical mass of people
who are committed to the club is necessary if it is to do well.

That was the time when there were Edmund and Edwin D'Cunha and Denzil
D'Souza and Peter and Euclid Sequiera and from Nachinola Shivram and
Desmond and Greg playing cricket and firing off 6s at will then you know
what powerful teams we had and how many people used to come to watch our
games which were played with seasoned balls.

And you will remember the Banana Nites and the Christmas Programmes  which
were organized which made festive seasons truly festive.

I think it is time we made the Club more broad based and it becomes a place
where people of all castes and creeds feel that A A De Moira is OUR CLUB,
and not just the private adda of some bamons and some gaunkars who talk a
lot but can do not much for the simple reason that they do not have the

One way to do what I suggest is to have activities where all sorts of
people can participate; another is to ensure that the membership becomes
more broad based.

If the elitist attitude which was perpetuated during the more than two
decades  long President-ship of Romeo Coelho, himself not a gaunkar,
continues, I don't thiink that we can expect any improvement in the club.
So think about what I say Ossie and act firmly. Don't act like a servant of
the ganvkars but take the initiative to be a modern forward looking
Sarpanch and President.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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