There was a terrific row in the club yesterday.

Apparently there was supposed to be a meeting of the newly elected Club
committee members about the organization of the Panchayat cup on August 15.
It ended in a fiasco which John, Francis, Nicholas, Felipe, Tiago, Vincy,
and I among others were witness to as silent spectators.

Less than 5 members turned up for the Executive Committee Meeting which was
less than the quorum for the meeting. Among them were President Oswald
Cordeiro also Sarpanch of Moira, Secretary Thomas D'Gama. Savio (Teodolina
the  caretaker's son) Isidore Correia and Marshall D'Mello)

Janja (as Isidore Anthony Correia is popularly known) was furious that of
all the club committee members only these few members were present and that
the meeting had to be adjourned due to lack of quorum. He thundered,"It is
because you fixed the elections which is why this situation has arisen.
People who were never interested in the club have been made committee

Thomas said," How can you say that?"

Janja said,"It was obvious. One person saying Proposed, and the other
saying Seconded. It was all a farce."

Thomas said,"You should have proposed and seconded your own people."

Janja said,'Why should I do this? Let the best people be elected"

This sort of exchange went on and on until Thomas D'Gama told Janja to
'F&%^^  O&&'

Thomas is prone to such stupid loose tongued utterances and had done this
once to me and luckily escaped a thrashing of his life because people like
John, Reis and Nicholas had intervened on one occasion where he called me a
S O B.

Anyway to come back to the story - teling Janja to 'F&%^^  O&&' is an
extremely unwise thing at the best of times, as he is the last person to
keep his mouth shut when faced with such obscenities.

He let loose left and right, and accused Thomas of being a prejudiced
gaunkar who was not interested in the good of the village. Marshall joined
the battle on behalf of Thomas and told Janja to get lost. There was a hell
of a row and it was not easy to tell who was saying what to whom although
it was clear that Janja was having the best of the exchanges.

One of the prominent proclamations which Janja uttered many times was: "Who
is Thomas D'Gama to tell me to  'F&%^^  O&&' I am a gaunkar and he is a
gaunkar. He has no right to say this."

In all this hullaballooo, Sarpanch and President of the Club Oswald
Cordeiro was  a quiet, but I think too quiet spectator. His silence ensured
that the honorable gaunkars of the club committee disgraced themselves
before all and sundry.

Anyway it was quite an enjoyable fracas. Let's hope we have many more of
these in future. ;p



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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