Cecil I thought the sentiments were humane and dead-on.  You are outspoken, 
brave and caring.  Commendable qualities C!  Keep on the good fight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cecil Pinto [mailto:cecilpi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 1:30 AM
To: goanet
Subject: Me and mine were affected - by Cecil Pinto (with apologies to all real 

When you raped my land
I was affected.
When your truck ran over my school-going daughter I was affected.
When my mother died of lung disease
I was affected.
When you destroyed my father's fields
And paid him a pittance
I was affected.
When you tore out mountains
Leaving red-earth scars
And homeless birds and animals
I was affected.
When you bought more trucks
And more trucks
And built your mansions
And fattened your bank accounts
While covering my village
With fine dust that slowly killed and corrupted everything I was affected.

And now after making enough money for many generations Because you cannot make 
even more money Suddenly you become the victim?
Suddenly you are mining affected?!


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