I agree with the demand made by the Congress party (Goa branch) that the BJP
government should stop the plan to allow dance bars. 

I also agree with Aleixo Reginaldo when he said: “Has the BJP lost it
totally? How dare they take the Goan people for granted by saying that they
do not have a problem with dance bars starting in Goa?”

I also agree with the demand made by another Congress member that the BJP
should 'apologize to the people of Goa.'  

Furthermore, I also agree that Dr Wilfred Misquita has made a highly
insensitive statement when he said: “If alcohol which is the worst, is
allowed to flow in the gutters of Goa, I can’t see why you have a problem
against it (dance bars).”

Having written/said this, I hope that the Congress party, Aleixo Reginaldo,
and other congress members joins me in asking the Supreme Court to
'apologize to the people of India for permitting the reopening of the dance
bars in Maharashtra', which were banned by the Congress-NCP government in
the state.

Best regards,

U G Barad

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