The Americans with all their highly advanced military weapons have not been
able to defeat a rag tag army of Taliban fighters and recently the
Americans & Taliban held a meeting in Qatar for a peace deal…………………the
process of secularization of the church in the 1950s & 1960s by both the
catholic and protestant clergy brought confusion & corruption in the
church……….Jesus Christ revolted against corrupt political & religious
leaders during his time today Jesus Christ church has been taken over by
corrupt greedy rogue elements who are misusing church funds illegally
selling away church properties and are indulging all types corrupt
activites……..and if the Clergy claim that they are not involved in corrupt
activities then let them disclose once every month on the church notice
board how exactly church funds are utilized and disclose all the assets
properties that the church possesses and disclose what the money received
from sale of vacant church properties are utilized for…………the population of
Christians in the world is more than 2 Billion but Christianity is the
worlds weakest religion everywhere Christianity is being
persecuted……………………I don’t know about Goa but here in Bombay in recent years
most of the shops that are selling pork are licenced shops which sell the
meat of pigs that are grown in farms on the outskirts of Bombay & Pune and
these pig farms are also licenced.

Hitlers Nazi forces & Japanese forces severely depleted the military
hardware & manpower of the British empire during the second world war due
to which the British were no more in a position to crush the freedom
struggle in their colonial possession and just 2 years after the end of
second world war the British fled from many of their colonial possessions
in Africa, Gulf & Asia including India…………..after the British fled India
all the lands that were acquired from farmers, tribals, fisherfolks through
the land acquisition act by the British became the property of the Indian
govt and state govts ……….instead of returning all the unused lands to the
original owners and abolishing the land acquisition act the govt here
through the same land acquisition act went around acquiring more and more
land of other farmers tribals fisherfolks……………….this land acquisition by
the British and the new rulers has DISPLACED lakhs of farmers tribals
fisherfolks ………….displacement involves the common elements of which are
landlessness joblessness homelessness marginalization foodinsecurity
increased morbidity and mortality loss of common property assets and social
disarticulation. …………due to pressure from builders & corporates the
Maharashtra govt & MMRDA are desperately trying to open up the gorai-manori
region for large scale real estate development……… here in Bombay the
catholic natives ( ) after loosing
agricultural lands ponds wells lakes bullocks horses cows buffalos goats
vegetable fields rice fields mangroves saltpanlands forestlands human
rights etc are also in the process of loosing their ancestral houses &
villages ( ) due to some new rules for exampl the
inclusion of catholic villages/gaothans in the 500 sq ft double property
tax & other plans that have been implemented by the Maharashtra govt
mmrda  collectorsoffice & BMC………due to the foolishness of some catholics
from bandra all the catholic villagers in bombay got baptized with the name
eastindians ( ).

The Protestant Britishers in their gazetteers noted down that the catholics
living in the Bombay region are IGNORANT & DRUNKEN people and the British
began the process of allowing large number of Hindus from Gujarat &
Maharashtra to settle in catholic bombay……………and later on the Maharashtra
govt also allowed people from other parts of India to settle in catholic
bombay………….decade after decade catholics in bombay are facing threats
attacks intimidations from illegal-migrants land-encroachers buildersmafia
slumlords landmafia slumdwellers rightwinghindugroups and catholics are
facing discrimination from the maratha dominated maharashtra govt bmc
collectorsoffice citysurveyoffice police mmrda mhada and catholics have
found it extremely difficult to get jobs here and those few who got jobs
were humiliated and tormented by hindu co-workers and the ArchBishop of
Bombay i.e. Oswald Gracias turns a blind eye. ……due to poverty &
unemployment most of the catholics in bombay took to chronic alcoholism and
died away...…….It is only a few lay catholic groups like CSF AOCC MCYF SOUL
CROSS MGP BCSABHA etc who are doing a commendable job in defending the last
few bits of Catholicism in Bombay ………all these catholic groups don’t
receive any international support and are sacrificing their blood sweat
time money for a noble cause.

Most of the MPs, MLAs & Corporators in the North Konkan (bombay thane
raigad districts) region are on the payrll of the Builders lobby due to
which everywhere in the north konkan region (4500 sq km bombay metropolitan
region) the builders lobby have been given more land more FSIs more TDRs
more environment clearance…………… citizen rti ecological
environmental activists will have to get more active in order to defend the
vacant lands openspaces mangroves forestlands saltpanlands ecology
estuaries rivers ponds wells lakes tribals farmers fisherfolks in the north
konkan region from being destroyed by the politicians – builders – babus –
corporate – ministers nexus.

A good Indian catholic parish priest is the one who apart from taking care
of the spiritual needs of the parishioners also does his small bit to
improve the health wealth housing security landholdings jobs of the
catholic parishioners……… the moment there is no such good catholic
parish priest anywhere in India…………the only thing the catholic parish
priests are interested is in numbers and headcounts at the Sunday mass and
the corresponding collections in the donation boxes.

Catholics in Bombay/Goa region are ugly obcese & lethargic because of the
daily consumption of the unhealthy and unhygienic bakery maida
pavs………….Catholics in Bombay/Goa region are non-combative non-aggressive
non-ambitious stagnant dormant susegaad lazy
politically-inactive…………….Portuguese who ruled Bombay/Goa for many years
gave the bad habit of drinking alcohol to the natives that bad habit has
been carried forward from generation to generation………….Catholics in
bombay/goa region are content with doing menial jobs and have no interest
in working towards becoming ias ips irs ifs officers – doctors – engineers
etc AND no interest in aggressively applying for govt jobs, police jobs,
bank jobs, etc ……………. Catholics in Bombay are pre-occupied with alcoholism
& infighting.

POPE FRANCIS & VATICAN ADMINISTRATION should be kind enough to allow 50
the Pope & Vatican administration can practically EXPERIENCE THE
ILL-EFFECTS OF OVER-POPULATION i.e. poverty, lack of peace, lack of
education, lack of jobs, lack of housing, lack of hygiene, lack of
sanitation medicines health care, lack of transport, food shortage, water
shortage, land shortage, growth of slums, anger, fights, beating, shouting,
quarrels, crying, breaking of things, arson, rioting, communal disharmony,
forced begging, forced labor, committing variety of crimes, various
nefarious activities like smuggling, settling personal feuds or in creating
trouble during elections, mob mentality and damage and burning of public
and private property………………………The strongest opposition to population control
birth control abortions anti-pregnancy pills family planning in the world
is from the Vatican due to which there is a need to transfer a large number
of people from India & other over-populated countries to Vatican
City………………………..Today India would have been a wealthy prosperous secular &
peaceful country if successive govts at the centre & states had improved
infrastructure industries job-opportunities in the rural & backward
districts of India….AND…..had strictly enforced two child policy all over
India…..AND…..had passed stringent laws against corruption blackmoney
femalefoeticide divisivepoliticians communalforces etc.

Jorge Monteiro

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