Assaram Babu

There are such fraudsters in all religion, but that does not legitimise
such deplorable nonsense Assaram at one time advised Delhi   rape victim
That had she begged or called them brothers, the gravity of heinous crime
would be stopped dead in its tracks, Did Assaram, the Goodman or fraud was
deaf to utterances of my father or grandfather, when he forced himself on
the innocent Girl. A man, a brute, an   animal of lust, of 70 years
brutalising a girl of 16 years? It is disgrace to the Nation, a National
shame to propagate freedom and safety of women in India .His first alibi by
way of defence by his cohorts of his not being in the place has been nailed
as a dastard lie. FIR has been registered, but the police acting on behalf
of political bosses are dragging their feet to arrest and interrogate him.
Lesser mortals in similar circumstances would have been hounded out
immediately, The police says that there is enough evidence against the
carnal rascal, but somehow are impotent to take action as per the law
books, Assaram has further threatened to go on fast thus intimidating the
law enforcing agency There is also a possibility of massive followers
forming a protective wall to prevent his arrest. If has nothing to hide and
he is innocent, then he should face the law and prove his innocence in a
democratic, decent manner, instead of resorting to subterfuge and cunning

His past records is dubious and he should be investigated for all the
crimes attributed against him and amassing of wealth, which gives a clout
to defy and obstruct, The BJP and Congress are not forthcoming either to
condemn him openly, but taking shelter under legal formalities, There is no
doubt that he is crowd puller to major political parties. The fate of
BabaRam Dev is too fresh to be ignored for being persecuted on all
fronts for
 being a political dissenter and thorn in their flesh, with his popular
appeal. The political bosses and party men visit and prostrate before these
fraudulent Goodman of dubious records for blessings to win elections and
are superstitious about their effective curse

The sexual abuse of the innocent by these God man is much deeper malaise,
which prevents people of coming out openly against their barbaric lust and
powerful connections in the corridors of power

India is grappling with crimes against women at all fronts, where young
innocent children are not even spared of being objects of lust

The police is being watched carefully about their delays and dilly dallying
into taking him under custody immediately for the purpose of interrogation

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