RESPONSE: I may be wrong and may stand corrected but I think these Dance
girls are the same as the massage parlour girls - they get most of their
moolah from prostitution.

On 30 August 2013 03:04, Jose Colaco <> wrote:

> (1) Dr Barad wrote that: " permission (was) given by the Supreme Court (of
> India) to reopen the dance bars in Maharashtra, on the grounds of so many
> of the dancers being thrown out of employment.
> (2)  Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão: " The Supreme Court of India merely
> upheld the 2006 Judgement and Order of the Bombay High Court in this case;
> in that it was violative of right to
> equality guaranteed under the Constitution. The Maharashtra government
> banned dance bars in eateries, bars, etc. under the Police Act. But
> permitted dance bars in 3 stars and above hotels. This is what was
> discriminatory and struck down."
> Question and Comment:
> Question: In legal matters, who should I believe? Someone who refers to
> gossip and imagination or someone who refers to Law Reports?
> Comment: In a land of Devadasi temple girls and 'court dancers' a la
> Anarkali, we portray rather pitiful and hypocritical selves by raising this
> big hue and cry about these dance bars.
> What wrong is there, I ask, if adult women earn a living by willingly
> dancing to make men happy?
> My only concern would be if they were exploited by the uncouth Indian men
> patrons who are often depraved enough to rape and gang rape women and pimps
> who would infest such establishments, NOT to forget those Bakshishwallas.
> jc


Gabe Menezes.

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