While I don’t have access to the original article that
 quoted Mr Andrew Green ; it seems that everyone has missed
 the point of this concerned British man. This issue may not
 be  so much of xenophobia or British imperialism but
 rather of being overwhelmed by potentially culturally
 incompatible outsiders with another trait - dubious loyalty
 to their own passport-country Portugal. Why  blame the
 British. They don’t want any more  outsiders; just as
 much and the  way regionalists in different regions
 within India don’t like outsiders from other states coming
 in and settling down. Goa is no exception; no marks for
 guessing the most derogatory term used by Goans  for
 the outsiders from other states. While the historical facts
 are correct that Goa is indeed an annexed Portuguese
 territory; the fact remains that a reasonable number are
 abusing the facility of Portuguese citizenship. Does anyone
 have statistics of how many  Goans who gain Portuguese
  citizenship, actually settle down in Portugal and
 contribute to the economy of that country. If wanting to
 settle down in the UK or any EU country by using their
 Portuguese passports is what they want; then the intention
 is clearly malafide and an abuse. There could be a large
 number of those who are abusing the new gotten Portuguese
 passport just for their own convenience and economic
 interests, have never been to Portugal and couldn’t care
 less about or have any loyalty to  that nation. I
 suppose this is the real issue.Although it must be said that
 Goan Catholics  easily integrate into Western societies
 quickly  because of their Portuguese cultural heritage.
 The other issue: why on earth do many  Goans want a
 Portuguese passport. Can't they just retain their Indian
 passports. They don't necessarily have to work in Goa or in
 India. They can depend upon their own skills  and
 qualifications to further their own interests, wherever in
 the world, like
  many of us do..
 On Mon, 2/9/13, Goanet Reader <>
  Subject: [Goanet-News] Rarely has the Goan Diaspora
 challenged the biased views of the mainstream media. (Dr
 Eddie D'Sa)
  To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
  Date: Monday, 2 September, 2013, 3:34 AM
  By Dr. Eddie D'Sa
  Benedito Ferrao and Jason Fernandes[1] deserve all praise
  a fitting and timely response to the allegations made by
  Andrew Green, chair of Migration Watch.  They have
  their case persuasively and in clear and crisp academic
  -- rare among Goan writers.  [The subject title may be
  a bit
  misleading though: if Goans are Portuguese, they are so
  by virtue of citizenship (passport), not ethnicity. 
            Sir Andrew, a former
  ambassador to Saudi Arabia, is
            the favoured migration
  expert for the Tories who
            quote copiously from his
  reports and
            pronouncements.  He
  belongs to that select band of
            Little Englanders and
  Empire cheerleaders who have
            never come to terms with
  the loss of Empire and
            with subsequent presence
  of black and Asian
            migrants in the 'green
  and pleasant land'.
  * As for the media, the tabloids (Daily Mail, Express,
  Sun), all owned by Rightwing billionaires, are generally,
  often virulently, anti-immigration and anti-asylum. 
  have often made biased and inflammatory statements knowing
  well they can get away with it.  In fact, the
  (especially Downing Street and the Home Office) is said to
  in thrall to the tabloids and reportedly used them from to
  time as conduits for leaks of harsh laws in the pipeline.
  APPENDIX for more on the tabloids.]
  * Ferrao and Fernandes write: "As Goan academics, there is
  need to redress such misrepresentations and firmly call
  the Anglo-centric interpretation of colonialism..." I
  heartily agree.  Unfortunately, for too long, the Goan
  community, and even the elites, do not have the
  resources to confront the mainstream media and present
  own case.  They have sought safety in their feasts,
  rituals, community celebrations with song and dance....
            * Rarely has the Goan
  Diaspora challenged the
            biased views put forward
  by the mainstream media.
            Mind you, if they did
  write and state their side of
            the argument to a
  mainstream paper, the letter
            would probably be
  binned.  The media cling to the
            official view and allow
  no contrary position in
            general.  There are
  no wide circulation Leftwing
            papers in Britain for an
  alternative perspectives.
            They will fail to attract
  advertisers and would
            have to fold. 
  Smaller papers and online websites
            are forever begging their
  readers for donations.
            You could perhaps try
  addressing your arguments to
            the Daily Star or Daily
  Mail and see how far you get.
  Ferrao and Fernandes have rightly distinguished the
  Portuguese colonial state from the one created by the
  British.  Significantly, "the Portuguese state
  attempted to
  recognise natives as citizens, with rights equal to those
  persons from the metropole...  whereas the only status
  enjoyed by the natives in the British Empire was as that
  subjects of the British crown".
  How right they are to point out "the racialised political
  climate induced by years of British colonial rule in
  In particular, in Kenya, racial segregation was enforced
  residential areas, public toilets in government buildings,
  entry into hotels.  Even the Catholic Church privileged
  parishioners at church services (Mass) by reserving the
  pews for them.  I believe it was the same in India,
  in Bombay until the Brits left.
  * As for the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya, the British
    to mass detention, torture and killings. 
  Michael Blundell,
    Minister without portfolio and head of the European
    owners said in July 1954: "We do not detain people
  for what
    they do but what they intend to do." (Never be
  Silent, S
    Durrani, Vita Books 2006).
  It took over 60 years for justice for victims of the Mau
  rebellion because the British Government destroyed all
  evidence of their atrocities -- there were reports about
  "roasting alive" Kenyans, beating natives to death, anally
  raping men in internment camps using knives, broken
  rifle barrels, snakes and scorpions, even making a special
  tool to crush and rip off testicles by British forces. 
  detention camps held more than 160,000 Africans between
  and 1960.  Pliers were used to mutilate women's
  breasts.  The
  Mau Mau court hearing charges numbered over 400 brought by
  four elderly Kenyans -- two victims of castration.
  * Likewise, how right Ferrao and Fernandes are to point
  that Asian travellers have had to put up with much "ritual
  humiliations at embassies, consulates, and immigration
  check-points globally".
            But how do you counter
  the Anglocentric view of the
            world?  The
  English-speaking nations are far too
            united and
  powerful.  I guess the way forward to
            equality and respect is
  by achieving power like
            East Asia (China, Japan,
  Korea).  At present India
            cannot speak from a
  position of strength -- it is
            too backward on all
  fronts and Indian elites too
            weak intellectually to
  challenge the West.  Indian
            leaders like PM Singh
  have no grand vision and can
            only mouth vacuous
  cliches.  So we have to wait and
            see.  I would be
  interested to hear more from you
            on this point.
  APPENDIX British Tabloids, scourge of the minorities and
  The Daily Mail
            This paper was founded in
  1896 by two brothers, who
            rose to became Lord
  Northcliffe and Viscount
            Rothermere.  It soon
  became an establishment paper
            that gloried in the
  Empire but it also put on a
            high moral tone and
  preach on family values.
  It was the Daily Mail that relentlessly pursued Keith Vaz
  while he was Minister for Europe in 2001.  To the likes
  the Mail, it was unthinkable that one from the former
  colonies should hold a senior position in Her Majesty's
  government.  Almost daily, readers were treated to
  like "Questions the pompous Mr Vaz must answer"; "Dump Vaz
  pay the price, Blair"; "The Minister for Obstruction";
  "Blair's repeated support of Vaz is shameful"; "Vaz is not
  fit to be a Minister: ...  Vaz soon resigned as
  Minister --
  the Mail's campaign had played its part.
  The Sun
  The Sun is one of Murdoch's paper. It has a simple recipe
  profit: dish out jingoism, sex and racism.
            Ridicule and contempt for
  minorities became a
            dedicated Sun sport in
  the 1980s.  Its African
            cartoons propagated the
  archetypal colonial image
            of the African with
  spear, bone-through-nose and
            loincloth confronting
  cork-hatted Brit explorers.
            Owner Murdoch is (or has
  been) a Jew and the Sun's
            worst venom was directed
  against Arabs.  A Libyan
            diplomat allowed re-entry
  into Britain was greeted
            with the banner headline
  'Arab pig sneaks back'.
            Similarly when the Syrian
  ambassador was expelled
            over an alleged
  anti-Israeli plot, the Sun
            headlined: 'Get out you
  Syrian swine.'
  Nor were South Asians spared.
  Attacking Imran Khan (cricketer) in the mid-90s
  Murdoch’s News of the World:
  Two days before Imran's civil marriage on 20 June 95, the
  paper published alleged confessions of a porn star --
  "Cricket hero's jacuzzi romp with porn girl ...  He
  around like a hungry caged animal and I was the
  meal...  we
  used every position imaginable...  Jemima better watch
  The following week saw the headline: "Jemima naked in
  honeymoon romp...  they made love four times and he
  took his hat off."
  Daily Mail [circulation 1.7m] asked Jemima solicitously:
  you sure you know what you are getting yourself into?...
  Will it end in tears for Imran?"
  The Sunday Mirror [circulation 2.5m] headlined: "Imran is
  lying, cheating rat." Other comments: "Jemima risks
  Both can be targets for fanatical assassins...  Can a
  girl give up champagne and Versace, then pray to Allah?"
  [1] See Goanet Reader DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour
  Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao & Fernandes, circulated via Goanet
  Aug 31 03:15:57 PDT 2013
  Goanet Reader is edited and compiled by Frederick Noronha.
  Thought-provoking articles will be considered for
  to Goanet's readership if submitted to

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