Tribute to my Teachers
Happy teachers day
There are many teachers both formal and informal, who had profound
influence on my personality, growth, development. Some are no more, but
they live in my heart and mind , a permanent monument. I expressed my
sincere regards to them, when they walked on this earth.They shaped me,
built me,carved me, moulded me, guided me, acknowledged my weakness and
accentuated my strengths and made me what ever I am to day. I owe
all of them, my gratitude, as I ruminate over their memories. I like many
others have taken their advice, love and respect for granted, Some of them
were too polite to be praised, acknowledged and considered it their
obligation and duty towards me They have been tower of courage and
encouragement, motivating me to walk the difficult part
I fondly remember my teachers and have pleasant memories of their
association and deep concern and belief in my abilities
"'If a teacher and God were standing in front of me, I would bow down to
the teacher , who guided me to HIM
Always fondly remembered, but never forgotten
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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