Syria using Chemical weapons

The county has finally gassed its own citizens. About 1400 citizens have
died an excruciating deaths, Around 450 children among them are all
innocent citizens, This  is further to the massacre of over lakhs of people
coming into the cross fire. The use of sarin nerve gas has been documented
, there is no doubt about it and it is not hypothetical inching to push the
war button

There are 185 countries, which are signatories to ban and the use of WMD,
including chemical weapons. All of them should have been uniform in their
condemnation and action against the rouge Nation .There  is a stock pile of
chemical  weapons with many Countries, which should have been destroyed, to
show real concern of the dangers involved. We know that in Iraq, Sadam
Hussain had eliminated thousands of Kurds, but unfortunately it was never
proved and it was not taken seriously, though it was averred and related to
gas extermination. There is belief that Russia is  an strong ally and has
provided know how and also stocks of Chemical weapons, Russia is flexing
muscles sending frigates and extending threats China too is covertly siding
with Assad

That Assad has defied International norms with impunity needs no
elaboration. USA has asked  Congress  for limited engagement to break Assad
determination to hold on to power at the costs of his own people, Obama has
sighted National threat, those of allies in  the region and world in
general The consequences of not taking limited action for limited period
The USA action is not to support the liberating National forces and force
change in the Govt. International legal action can also happen in the long
run. USA is one of the most powerful Nation with superior capability and
others are looking up to USA and many Nations are supporting definite
action There are also countries which are apprehensive of the larger fall
out and they being sucked into the vortex of possible war. Americans are
themselves loath about further involvement and loss of American lives.
Obama has assured that there will no boots in Syria, which translates that
there wills no direct presence. USA is persuading the world and USA
Congress and people about the need to act .There are costs of engaging and
incalculable costs for remaining silence and giving indirect consent by

What if the USA Congress does not authorise? Will then Obama take
unilateral action? The military establishment has planned their strategy
which will be reliable in its execution factoring possible effects

Assad will be embolden to stretch his luck and his madness to beyond and
that is the reason he must be contained and disabled .The rivalry and
personal interests of Individual Nations, a strong message is sent to the
Assad regime about the use of Chemical weapons of mass destruction's

The long drawn out war has destroyed civil liberties and led to mass exodus
of refugees in the neighbouring countries, thus straining their resources
in creating resettlement Here again the USA is sharing the major burden of
financial support

The use of chemical weapon  should be serious concerns of all those who
value  human life and those of non combatants and innocent, children among
them, Syria is becoming gas chamber akin to extermination of Jews in the

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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